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Specificities of Admitting Foreigners and Stateless Persons to Study at the University

  Admission to study at the University of foreigners and stateless persons is carried out in accordance with the laws of Ukraine “On higher education”, “On the legal status of foreigners and stateless persons”, “On foreign Ukrainians”, “On refugees and persons in need of additional or temporary protection”, decree of the president of Ukraine of June 3, 1994 No. 271 “On measures to develop economic cooperation between the regions of Ukraine and adjacent regions of the Republic of Belarus and administrative-territorial units of the Republic of Moldova” (except for applicants from the Republic of Belarus), resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of September 12, 2018 No. 729 “Issues of obtaining higher education by certain categories of persons”, order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of November 01, 2013 No. 1541 “Certain issues of organizing recruitment and training (internship) of foreigners and stateless persons”, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on November 25, 2013 No. 2004/24536, by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of December 02, 2019 No. 1498 “On approval of the procedure for setting quotas for higher education by foreigners and stateless persons within the limits of state order volumes in accordance with international treaties of Ukraine”, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine of February 10, 2020 for No. 153/34436. 

Citizens of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus who do not have a permanent (temporary) residence permit in Ukraine are accepted for training with an individual permit from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

 Foreigners and stateless persons (hereinafter referred to as foreigners) may receive higher education at the expense of individuals and/or legal entities, unless otherwise provided by international treaties of Ukraine, the consent to be bound by which is provided by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, legislation or agreements between higher education institutions on international academic mobility. 

Admission of foreigners to higher education institutions for training at the expense of the state budget is carried out within quotas for foreigners .

Admission of foreigners to study for Junior  Bachelor’s,  Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctor of Philosophy degrees is carried out on accredited educational programs. The university also accepts foreigners for postgraduate studies, preparatory department programs, study of the state language and/or language of instruction, as well as for postgraduate education, advanced training and internships.

  Foreigners who are granted state scholarships under international treaties, national programs, and other international obligations of Ukraine are accepted for training within the established quotas for foreigners on the basis of directions of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. 

 Foreigners arriving in Ukraine to participate in academic mobility programs or to obtain higher education under the educational programs agreed between the University and foreign institutions of higher education are accepted for training taking into account the relevant contractual obligations of higher education institutions.

Foreigners and stateless persons, in particular foreign Ukrainians permanently residing in Ukraine, persons who are recognized as refugees, and persons in need of additional protection, have the right to receive higher education on an equal basis with citizens of Ukraine, in particular at the expense of the state or local budget, with exceptions established by the Constitution of Ukraine, laws of Ukraine or international treaties, the consent to be bound by which is provided by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. 

Foreign Ukrainians whose status is certified by the certificate of a foreign Ukrainian (except for persons permanently residing in Ukraine) can enroll in state-ordered training within the established quotas for foreigners for interviews in the subjects provided for in these admission rules.

Admission of foreigners to study is carried out full-time and/or remotely. To organize remote recruitment of foreign citizens for higher education, the University enters into an agreement with a partner organization that is a resident of the country of origin of applicants. The subject of the agreement is the provision of services for identification of persons, verification of original documents of applicants,          

Organization of acceptance of applications of applicants in electronic form, provision of premises and technical means for consultations and entrance tests by a higher education institution in a remote format. 

Enrollment of foreign applicants for training at the expense of individuals and/or legal entities is carried out: 

1) two times per year , before and at the beginning of the academic semesters (but no later than November 15 and March 15, respectively), for obtaining junior bachelor’s, bachelor’s, and master’s degrees; on the basis of the concluded contract and enrollment orders, which are verified in the EDEBO.

2) during the year for postgraduate studies; 

3) during the year for training in the programs of the preparatory department; 

4) during the year for training in academic mobility programs in accordance with the regulation on the procedure for exercising the right to academic mobility, approved by resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 579 of August 12, 2015.

Key dates: 2023 entry

Stages of the introductory campaign


Beginning of registration and issuing of invitations to study by foreign citizens

May 15, 2023

Start of accepting applications and documents

1st  stage:         July 01  –  November 10, 2023,

2nd  stage:   December 01  –  March 10, 2024

The University will conduct entrance exams

1st  stage:         July 04  –  November 15, 2023,

2nd  stage:   December 04  –  March 15, 2024

Admission of entrants at the expense of natural (legal) persons to faculties

1st  stage:         July 10  –  November 15, 2023,

2nd  stage:   December 05  –  March 15, 2024

Enrollment in the composition of trainees of the Preparatory Department for International Students at the expense of natural (legal) persons

July 02, 2023 – January 30, 2024

Academic Degrees

  • Specialities and Educational Programmes for Junior Bachelor’s Degree

  • Specialities and Educational Programmes for Bachelor’s Degree

  • Specialities and Educational Programmes for Master’s Degree

  • Specialities and Educational Programmes for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy



Specialty  Еducational program Term of study
(071) Accounting and Taxation Accounting and Taxation 1 year 10 months
(072) Finance, banking, insurance and stock market Finance, banking and insurance  1 year 10 months
(075) Marketing Marketing 1 year 10 months
(076) Entrepreneurship and trade Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange activities 1 year 10 months
(242) Tourism and recreation Тourism 1 year 10 months



Specialty  Еducational program Term of study
(051) Economics Business economics and analytics 3 years and 10 months
(051) Economics Managerial economics and competitive policy 3 years and 10 months
(051) Economics Economics and management in the HR industry 3 years and 10 months
(053) Psychology Psychology 3 years and 10 months
(071) Accounting and Taxation Accounting, auditing and tax consulting 3 years and 10 months
(072) Finance, banking, insurance and stock market International banking business 3 years and 10 months
(072) Finance, banking, insurance and stock market Tax and customs affairs 3 years and 10 months
(072) Finance, banking, insurance and stock market Finance, financial management and insurance 3 years and 10 months
(073) Management Management of Organizations 3 years and 10 months
(073) Management Information and Internet technologies in management 3 years and 10 months
(075) Маркетинг Marketing and international logistics 3 years and 10 months
(076) Entrepreneurship and trade Economics and business planning 3 years and 10 months
(076) Entrepreneurship and trade Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activity 3 years and 10 months
(241) Hotel and restaurant business Economics and organization of the hotel and restaurant business 3 years and 10 months
(242) Tourism and recreation Economy and organization of tourist activities 3 years and 10 months
(292) International Economic Relations International Economic Relations 3 years and 10 months



Specialty  Еducational program Term of study
(051) Economics Economics 1 year and 4 months
(071) Accounting and Taxation Accounting, auditing and taxation of business activities 1 year and 4 months
(072) Finance, banking, insurance and stock market Management of banks’ activities on the financial market 1 year and 4 months
(072) Finance, banking, insurance and stock market Management of public finances 1 year and 4 months
(072) Finance, banking, insurance and stock market Financial and insurance management 1 year and 4 months
(073) Management Management of Organizations 1 year and 4 months
(075) Marketing Marketing and international logistics 1 year and 4 months
(076) Entrepreneurship and trade Economics, planning and business management 1 year and 4 months
(076) Entrepreneurship and trade Municipal enterprise 1 year and 4 months
(076) Entrepreneurship and trade Economy and enterprise development strategy 1 year and 4 months
(242) Tourism and recreation Management of tourist and resort business 1 year and 4 months
(292) International Economic Relations International Economic Relations 1 year and 4 months



Specialty  Еducational program Term of study
(051) Economics Economics 4 years
(071) Accounting and Taxation Accounting, auditing and taxation 4 years
(072) Finance, banking, insurance and stock market Finance, banking and insurance 4 years
(073) Мanagement Management 4 years
(075) Marketing Marketing 4 years
(076) Entrepreneurship and trade Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activity 4 years

Pre-university study

Preparatory Department for international students — unit that trains foreign citizens and stateless persons to study in all specialities at the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and other institutions of higher education in Ukraine. This Department supports the training of international students at the educational levels of bachelor, master, doctor of philosophy, and training of scientists to obtain doctoral degrees.

Specialists of the Preparatory Department for international students develop and implement the latest methods and technologies for teaching Ukrainianas foreign languages and propaedeutic courses in specialized disciplines.

The pre-university training program will fill the “gaps” that are inevitable when transitioning from your educational system to Ukraine’s one, and successful completion of the curriculum will ensure you become a full-fledged student of the Odessa National Economic University or any other higher educational institution in Ukraine.

Pre-University training consists of two parts: language training and study of general disciplines.

Language training

Studying Ukrainian language takes place throughout the pre-university training curriculum  study hours spent on language learning is 720, which ensures the level of language proficiency at the B1 level.

Study of general disciplines

Starting from the 12th week of training according to the direction you have chosen, the following curriculum will be applied: Mathematics,  Geography, Fundamentals of Economics,  Economic and Social Geography, History of Ukraine, etc.

By studying all these disciplines, you deepen your knowledge of these subjects and learn special terminology in Ukrainian, which are determined as the next stage in learning a language.

Coast of additional services for foreign citizens at 

Odessa National Economic University in 2023-2024

Academic Degrees

Tuition fee, US dollars

Full-time  Part-time
Junior Bachelor * 1 500 1 000
Bachelor * 1 600 1 100
Master ** 2 400 1 500
Doctor of  Philosophy (PhD) * 2 000 1 400


*-Tuition fee for one year of studies

**- tuition fee for the Master’s degree for the entire study period

To apply for the Junior Bachelor’s and  Bachelor’s degree:

  • Application for a admission;
  • Application form;
  • A foreigner’s international passport or any other document which identifies a stateless individual with a D-type visa (D-13) for the countries with visa procedure of entry issued by consular offices of Ukraine in a home country on the basis of an invitation letter, if other procedure is not stipulated by international treaties of Ukraine (the original document and 2 copies of translation into Ukrainian language approved by a notary). In case if D-13 visa not obtained yet, you should pass the procedure of legalization of educational documents in the country of issuance: (legalization is carried out by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of the country that issued the educational document; legalization is carried out by the consular section of an Embassy of Ukraine abroad (consular legalization or getting an apostille)).
  • An invitation letter for receiving a visa for study (original);
  • A birth certificate (1 copies of the original document and 2 copies of translation into Ukrainian approved by a notary);
  • A previous education document (high school certificate) (the original document and 2 copies of translation into Ukrainian approved by a notary);
  • The supplement to the education certificate (with the list of courses taken) (the original document and 3 copies of translation into Ukrainian approved by a notary);
  • 10 matte photos in size 3×4 cm;
  • Consent to the collection and processing of personal data;
  • A liability insurance contract for reimbursement of expenses, related to the execution of the decision on administrative expulsion from Ukraine (deportation).

All documents issued in foreign countries must be translated into Ukrainian language and the translation must be notarized in Ukraine.

In the case of online admission, the applicant sends legalized and notarized copies of documents about previous education to the educational institution by international postal services. After crossing of the state border of Ukraine and arrival the applicant provides the original documents personally to the educational institution.

Originals of a passport, a birth certificate, education and residence documents, and a tax service certificate are checked during the process of submission of document addmission. Medical documents are provided in the original.

Procedure for legalization and affixing an apostille

Birth certificates, education documents that have been issued abroad, must be certified and legalized in the prescribed order, unless otherwise provided by international treaties of Ukraine. The citizens of the participating countries to the Convention on Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents (The Hague, 1961) stamp the apostille on their documents, not legalization. There is no need for legalization and apostille for the documents issued in the participating countries to the Convention on Legal Assistance and Legal Relations in Civil, Family and Criminal Matters (Minsk, 1993.)

The procedure of preparing the documentation package as well as recognition procedure of the Document is provided by Odessa National Economic University before the second semester of the first year of its owner’s study. If available, the applicant provides a copy of the certificate of nostrification or a copy of the certificate of filing documents for nostrification in the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine when submitting documents.

Documents are submitted to the International Relations Department  – of. 125  (8, Preobrazhenska Street).

Invitation for study

List of documents

The invitation to participate in the competition is issued by Odessa National Economic University due to foreigner’s application after providing the following documents:

  • a copy of the first page of the international passport of the foreigner which contains all personal details with translation into the English/Russian/Ukrainian languages;
  • a copy of the previous education document with translation English/Russian/ Ukrainian;
  • a copy of the supplement to the previous education document with grades (points), translated into English/Russian/Ukrainian, or academic record (with stated number and title of the document), translated into English/Ukrainian;
  • a letter of attorney that gives a right to receive an invitation letter in case it is not taken personally by the applicant, legalized in the country of citizenship, translated into English/Ukrainian languages;
  • Notification on arrival;
  • Application form (on-line);
  • Consent to the processing of personal data.

Documents must be sent in a scanned form (at JPG) to the  International Relations Department’s  e-mail (; )  or they can be submitted personally.

All students of Odesa National University of Economics who need a place to live

are provided with a dormitory

Dormitory No. 1, str. Chernyakhovsky, 22 (FEUP)

Commandant: Galinska Alla Stepanivna, tel. (0482) 686404


Dormitory No. 2, str. Oleksandr Nevsky, 51A (FMOIT, FFBS)

Commandant: Valentina Ivanovna Navalova, tel. (0482) 456826

Head: Josan Vira Ivanivna


Dormitory No. 3, str. Heroiv Pogranichniki, 5 (FME)

Commandant: Maryna Yuriivna Mazur, tel. (048) 7667741


To settle in a dormitory, have with you:

  • a copy of the passport (must be the page with the residence permit or a certificate of residence registration);
  • three 3×4 photo cards;
  • the result of a fluoroscopy examination for the last 12 months;
  • a certificate from a family doctor (or from a polyclinic) regarding the absence of pediculosis (sanitary certificate);
  • a receipt for payment for accommodation for the first semester (5 months 4000 hryvnias);
  • a copy of documents on benefits (for benefit categories): orphans; children of members of the OOS (ATO) have a benefit of 100% of the cost of living; persons resettled from places where the OOS is held, have a discount of 50% of the cost of accommodation.


Details for paying for accommodation in a dormitory:

65082, Odesa, Preobrazhenska Street, 8

Bank: State Treasury Service of Ukraine

Account UA348201720313211001202001375

EDRPOU 02071079

MFO 820172

Full Name

8, Preobrazhenskaya str., room 125,
IRD, Оdesa, 65082 Ukraine

+38 (0482) 32-79-16
+38 (0482) 35-81-60
+38 (048) 723-11-81 (fax)

Ähnliches Foto

Ähnliches Foto

On October, 24 in the small hall of ONEU rector M. Zveryakov handed certificates to students, who listened to another successful series of lectures “The Economy of the European Union and the future EU-Ukraine relations” by Prof. Alvaro Fernandes (Portugal).

In Odessa National Economic University on September, 9 in the small hall was held the grand Opening of a cycle of lectures and seminars by Professor Alvaro Fernandes (Portugal) “The European Union economy and the future of the EU-Ukraine relationship.”

On the basis of the Odessa National Economic University from 17 to 26 September was held the joint Ukrainian-German Summer School «International Investments». The working language was English

On July 20, 2016 Rector of the University, M.I Zveryakov presented certificates to a group of ONEU students that during four years studied entirely in English.

Representatives of the Odessa National Economic University took an active part in the work of the 16th session of the EU Study Days, that was held in Odessa from 18 to 22 May 2016.

On April, 28 Rector of the University, M.I. Zveryakov presented certificates to students of ONEU, ONU and ONPU who attended a course “Economy of European Union and relations of the EU – Ukraine 2015/2016”. This course is conducted by Professor Alvaro Fernandes from Portugal with the support of Jean Monnet module of Erasmus + program.

On April, 22 in small assembly hall of the main ONEU building lectured Singaporean expert Gary Lit – Director and Consultant of GL Training and Consultancy.

18.02.2016 French delegation visited the ONEU.

At December 8th, 2015 ONEU visited delegation of Anhui University of Finance and Economics (China).

June 23, 2015 Rector ONEU Prof. M.I. Zvyeryakov and Vice-Rector for SPEW and IR docent G.I.Shubartovsky took part in the French-Ukrainian university forum in the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine with the participation of the Ambassador of France in Ukraine Mr. Alain Remy, the Deputy Minister I.Sovsun and M.Striha, senior administrators and researchers from France, a large delegation of leading universities of Ukraine cooperating with French universities.

On the 13th of June 2015 Rector of the University, M.I. Zvyeryakov handing certificates to the first group of students ONEU who studied for 4 years entirely in English.

In the European Union Information Centre Odessa National Economic University under the “EU Delegation to Ukraine: 20 years together” in the period from 14.05 to 10.06 conducted the following activities:

The Magna Charta of Universities was signed by the rector M.I. Zveryakov in one of the oldest universities, which was founded in 1088 in Bologna on the 14th of September 2010.

The delegation of Odessa State Economic University with participation of rector M.I. Zveryakov and Vice-rector O.I. Yona visited Stopansk Academy “D.A. Tsenov” ( Sophia, Bulgaria) in December 2010.

On the 17th of February 2011, Dario Spelta – the professor of Bologna University, who is responsible for international relations on the faculty of economics, visited Odessa State Economic University.