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Recruitment agency “Success”

Taking care not only about student education, but also about their employment, the Odessa National Economic University (ONEU) supports a project of creaing an agency, in which profesors, graduate students and students of the Department of Personnel Management and Labor Economics would take a part.

This project was completed by the creation of the recruitment agency “Success”, which could help employers and young people, who is looking for work.

The job fair has been held in ONEU regularly since 2004 and has already become a good tradition for our university. The main purpose of the event is to give students the opportunity to communicate directly with their future employers.

The fair is held twice a year: at the end of the first and second semesters. Taking part companies have the opportunity to present themselves, their vacancies and communicate with students and graduates of ONEU.

Each time from 30 to 50 leading companies of Odessa and whole Ukraine are represented at the Fair, including international companies – part of the big four of the world’s auditing companies. That is employers who want to invite young professionals of  ONEU to their team.

We invite you to visit the job fair of ONEU!

2, Pryvokzalna sq., ofice 119
34-55-20, 34-54-93 (fax)

Department of Language and Psychological – Pedagogical Training

Asieieva Yuliia Doctor of Psychological Sciences (MD), Academician of National Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine, Assistant Professor, Head of the Department of Language and Psychological – Pedagogical Training

The history of the LPPT department begins with the opening of the department of language training for foreigners on September 1, 1975 at the Odesa Institute of National Economy. The development of international relations between OINE and higher education institutions of foreign countries contributed to the increase in the admission of foreign students to OINE and prompted the establishment of the section of teachers of language training (L.M. Lyarova, Z.O. Osypova, D.A. Slobodnichenko, K.P. Dobrovolska and V.I. Mazur), which was designed to provide language training in the preparatory department for foreign students for the countries of Asia, Africa, Latin America and Eastern Europe

The first appointed head of the department was K.P. Dobrovolska, who leaded it during 1975-2006; from 2006 to 2022 the work of the department was managed by candidate of philological sciences, associate professor S.M. Kirsho; and from August 23, 2022 the department was headed by Doctor of psychological sciences, Academician of National Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine Yuliia Asieieva.

Since September 1, 1975 the teaching staff of the department has provided high-quality language training for foreign students and trainees of the Preparatory sub-part. The main weight of the development of working educational programs and plans, the creation of the necessary material and technical base of the department and educational and methodological support for language teaching fell on its first teachers: K.P. Dobrovolska (head of the department), Zh.O. Osypova, L.M. Lyarova, V.I. Mazur, D.A. Slobodnichenko, L.K. Spiridovnova, V.I. Dolynska, R.I. Chudynov and L.O. Sayenko. Over time, the staff of the department was replenished by a new wave of teachers, including candidates of philological sciences, associate professors N.M. Teplinska (Shilofost), P.P. Moskalenko, S.M. Kirsho, A.V. Kryzhanovska, I.Ya. Nikulina, S.F. Denisova, N.O. Salnikova, S.P. Petrova, E.I. Pankratova, L.O. Syvovolova, G.D. Junusalieva, V.V. Dobrozhanska and others. They contributed to the transformation of the department into a productive and authoritative educational plus methodological center. The department not only provided language training for foreign students from 57 countries of the world, but also trained language teachers: since 1980, the best students and postgraduates received certificates for the right to teach a language as a foreign language in their homeland.

In the late 1980s and early 1990s, the scientific potential of the department increased significantly, added the number of candidates of sciences, associate professors – S.M. Lydnyu, V.V. Dobrizhanska, K.P. Dobrovolska.

In 1990, the Law on Language came into force. This circumstance changed the purpose of the department. The team is once again was embarking on a methodical rearmament. Among the courses taught by teachers prevailed the “Ukrainian business language”. Over time, associate professor K.P. Dobrovolska developed the course “Ukrainian as a Foreign Language”, “Ukrainian Studies” (for foreign students). Teaching foreign students and graduate students the Ukrainian language as a means of mastering a specialty in economics caused the need to significantly update the content of the educational process and saturate it with texts from the disciplines of specialized departments, modern economic terminology.

Since 1994, begins the next period of the development of the LPPT department, the creation of innovative educational technologies, the improvement of the quality of linguistic and psychological-pedagogical training and the formation of the creative personality of future specialists began. Lecturers mastered the teaching of psychological and pedagogical disciplines and developed work programs and educational and methodological support for the courses “Pedagogy”, “Basics of Pedagogical Mastery”, “Basics of Psychology”, “Psychology of Business Communication”, “Psychology and Pedagogy”, “Personality Psychology”, in connection with which in September 2006 the department was renamed in department of Language and Psychological – Pedagogical Training. Implementing the concept of linguistic and psychological-pedagogical training of students, they introduce into the educational process the latest technologies of interrelated formation of a creative personality, raising the linguistic and psychological-pedagogical culture of future specialists. The department developed scientific principles, various forms and methods of active education for students and the formation of creative personalities of future specialists, one of the productive ones was organizing “round tables” within the framework of scientific-practical and scientific-methodological conferences of the University and fruitful educational work, LPPT had a number of printed works on the problems of higher education, priority was in areas “Psychology”, “Pedagogy”, “Ukrainian studies”.

The next stage of the department’s development was marked by the opening of the educational program “Psychology” of the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education in 2017, specialty 053 “Psychology”. Staff of the department was supplemented by: PhD L.N. Akimova, PhD Yu.O. Asieieva, PhD O.B. Trynchuk, PhD O.V. Bogach, PhD A.S. Zinevych, PhD Z.I. Vysotska, PhD O.V. Heina, PhD N.A. Kovalska, PhD N.Ya. Cuprata. The fruitful work of the scientific and pedagogical teaching staff of the department was rewarded with the certificate of the National Agency for Quality Assurance of Higher Education “On Accreditation of the Psychology Educational Program” No. 2848 dated December 23, 2021.

New country conditions made adjustments to the scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of Language and Psychological and Pedagogical Training, from August 2022 the department was headed by Doctor of psychological sciences Yuliia Asieieva, the teaching staff was joined by: Doctor of political sciences A.O. Silenko, PhD O.M. Chusova, PhD V.V. Pundev, PhD A.M. Yatsyshina, PhD O.M. Balbuza, who continue the glorious traditions of the department and introduce the latest teaching technology using a student-centered approach, using andragogic interaction, expanding students’ practical knowledge based on a multidisciplinary concept of personality. Supporting the conceptually new pedagogical approach of ONEU, the department directs the educational process to the formation of a competent, competitive specialist who meets the international and domestic standards of the modern labor market. Improving the quality of specialist training is being ensured by a well-thought-out management system, high competence of teachers, implementation of the latest educational innovative technologies and appropriate methodical materials into teaching practice. According to the results of the rating evaluation of organizations of the relevant ministry, international organizations, as well as the results of activities among humanitarian institutions and higher education institutions of Ukraine, Odesa National University of Economics is consistently placed among the leaders of the market of domestic educational services.

The responsible structural division of the University for training specialists at the first (bachelor) level of education in the specialty 053 “Psychology” is the graduating department of LPPT, which successfully passed accreditation in 2021. Which is confirmed by the certificate of the National Agency for Quality Assurance of Higher Education “On Accreditation of the Educational Program “Psychology”” No. 2848 dated 23.12.2021. In 2023-2023 work was carried out to update the content of teaching programs of educational disciplines, educational and methodological materials. All this was caused by new curricula, in which, in accordance with the Bologna process, the implementation of individual and independent work by students was significantly expanded. For this purpose, schedules of individual counseling sessions by teachers were drawn up. Now this work continues on improving and using various active learning methods (business games, game design, round tables, small group competitions, conferences, presentations, etc.). A significant part of the university’s teachers is characterized by an exemplary organization and work in classes using active learning methods, and therefore was repeatedly recognized by the management of the institution. The department holds establishment and maintenance of contacts and cooperation with other educational-methodical and educational organizations in our country and abroad as a source of improvement of educational-methodical and scientific work.

In 2023-2024 begins the preparation of master’s students under the new educational and professional program “Practical Psychology” for applicants of the second (master’s) level of higher education in the specialty 053 “Psychology”. It was developed by a project group of employees of the LPPT department in accordance with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education” and the Standard of Higher Education of Ukraine of the second (master’s) level, in field of knowledge 05 Social and behavioral sciences, specialty 053 “Psychology”.

The department annually holds scientific and student conferences, for example: “Psychological aspects of business communication”, “Psychological approaches to the analysis of entrepreneurial activity”, “The first step in science”, “Psychological readiness for future professional activity”, “Science in the modern world”, ” Ethical aspects of scientific student activity”, “Academic integrity – the basis of quality education”, “Culture of scientific communication – the key to the success of a future specialist-economist”, “Culture of public speaking”, “Intercultural communication: achievements and prospects in the context of globalization”, etc.

The LPPT as graduate department is located in the main building of the Odessa National Economic University, where there is a library, assembly halls, co-working rooms, lecture halls attached to the department, which are equipped with communication facilities, multimedia equipment and computers.

Modern realities, active military actions on the territory of our state cause the destruction not only of the economy and normal living conditions, but also of the mental health of citizens of different age categories, which necessitates the training of future psychologists, who should strengthen the personnel potential in Ukraine in this specialty. Odessa National Economic University aims to train specialists in the field of psychology, adhering to modern international standards of high quality of their professional competence, which meets the current challenges facing the State and the needs of the Southern region of Ukraine.

– спеціальності та ОП (опис, пояснення тощо); Окремим файлом: «На сторінку МППП. Вступнику Англ.docx»

partners of the department. Faculty of Social and Educational Sciences of FIUM (Free International University of Moldova) 


Asieieva Yuliia

Doctor of Psychological Sciences (MD), Academician of National Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine, Assistant Professor, Head of the Department of Language and Psychological – Pedagogical Training

Снимок экрана 2023-06-20 в 22.20.24

Kovalska Natalia

PhD in Philology, Assistant Professor

Снимок экрана 2023-06-20 в 22.38.25

Heina Oksana

PhD in Philology, Assistant Professor

Снимок экрана 2023-06-20 в 22.38.32

Kuprata Nadiya

PhD in Philology, Assistant Professor

Снимок экрана 2023-06-20 в 22.38.39

Orlenko Iryna

PhD in Philosophy, Senior Lecturer

Снимок экрана 2023-06-20 в 22.38.44

Pundev Volodymyr 

PhD in Psychology, Senior Lecturer

Снимок экрана 2023-06-20 в 22.50.08

Balbuza Olena

PhD in Psychological, Senior Lecturer

Снимок экрана 2023-06-20 в 22.38.51

Chusova Olga

PhD in Pedagogy, Senior Lecturer

Снимок экрана 2023-06-20 в 22.39.25

Yatsyshyna Anastasiia

PhD in Psychological, Senior Lecturer

Снимок экрана 2023-06-20 в 22.39.32

Silenko Аlla 

Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor

Снимок экрана 2023-06-20 в 22.42.36

Vdovichenko Oksana

Doctor of Psychological Sciences (MD), Professor

Снимок экрана 2023-06-20 в 22.43.04

Zhuk Anna

Laboratory assistant

Снимок экрана 2023-06-20 в 22.43.10

Korzhenko Viktoriia

Laboratory assistant


Study period: 3 years 10 months.

Forms of education: full-time and part-time.

🏦📚 Specialty 053 “Psychology” is aimed at training specialists who will possess a complex of in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge, abilities, skills in psychology, sufficient for the effective solution of complex tasks in the conditions of professional activity.

💡Educational and professional program “Psychology”

The program is aimed at providing in-depth professional knowledge, developing skills and forming competencies for the performance of professional tasks and duties of an educational and innovative nature in the field of modern psychology.

The program provides for the formation of competencies that give the opportunity for employment in various spheres of social life, in particular: psychology, social work, career guidance work, medical and political fields, spiritual and educational work.

The program is developed for the provision of fundamental theoretical and methodological knowledge and the formation of practical skills to solve complex, specialized tasks and practical problems in the field of psychology using basic psychological theories and methods of modern psychological science.

Oriented to the professional training of general specialists in the provision of psychological assistance, in particular in the field of organizational psychology and personnel counseling, it takes into account the specifics of work in the specified field.

Academic rights of graduates: the opportunity to continue education at the second (master’s) level of higher education. Acquisition of additional qualifications in the postgraduate education system.


Study period: 1 year 4 months.

Forms of education: full-time and part-time.

🏦📚 Specialty 053 “Psychology” on this level is aimed at training highly qualified practical psychologists who have mastered complete modern psychology work methods.

💡Educational and professional program “Practical Psychology”

The program is aimed at training practical psychologists; psychologists; teachers of higher education institutions, professional consultants, trainers and coaches, who, based on the results of professional training, will be able to implement and direct the acquired knowledge and competences to the effectiveness of providing psychological assistance “effective as in quantity and in quality” to the population of the region, psychological support and psychological rehabilitation to persons: participants in hostilities, victims of military aggression, their family members and the population living in post-war conditions; support during rehabilitation, post-war rehabilitation, psychocorrection, psychotherapy of persons with mental disorders.

The program provides for the formation of competencies that provide the opportunity for employment in various spheres of social life, in particular: economy, social work, vocational guidance work, medical and political fields, spiritual and educational work, rehabilitation, psychocorrection, psychotherapy work.

Academic rights of graduates: the opportunity to continue education at the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education. Acquisition of additional qualifications in the postgraduate education system.

Foreign citizens can be admitted at the following levels: “Bachelor’s” and “Master’s” educational qualifications. According to the “Rules for admission to study at the Odessa National Economic University for higher education in 2023”, foreigners and stateless persons, in particular, Ukrainians living permanently in Ukraine, citizens of the Republic of Poland, persons recognized as refugees, and persons who need additional protection, have the right to obtain higher education on an equal basis with citizens of Ukraine, including at the expense of the state budget. The entrance test for foreigners is an “Entrance exam for foreigners” – a form of test that involves assessing the knowledge, abilities and skills of the entrant in one or more subjects, academic disciplines or specialties (foreigners and stateless persons who take the entrance exam for foreigners do not pass other entrance tests).

The main competitive advantages that determine the choice of Ukrainian higher education institutions (HEI) for foreign or international students are the ratio of quality / cost of education, as well as the recognition of Ukrainian diplomas abroad.

Odesa National University of Economics (ONEU) is one of the Ukrainian higher education institutions in demand not only by Ukrainian applicants, but also by foreign students of higher education. Every year, the University improves the process of admission for foreign citizens by reducing unnecessary bureaucratic obstacles, ensures greater transparency and promotes the informed choice of foreigners to study in Ukraine. 

Odessa National Economic University ensures that the educational process is safe and inclusive, and that the integration of foreign students of higher education is bilateral. Namely, Odessa National Economic University not only creates conditions for the arrival of a greater number of recipients of educational services from abroad, but also works in the direction of adaptation of foreign applicants to the educational process, social and economic life in Odesa, and in Ukraine as a whole. Student activity organizes integration activities: evenings of cultural exchanges, joint activities for Ukrainians and foreigners, intercultural trainings. The issues of integration of foreign students are carefully taken care of by the student self-government of ONEU.

All students from other countries have equal rights and study conditions at our institution. ONEU provides the opportunity to obtain the following levels of higher education: first (bachelor’s), second (master’s), third (postgraduate) with the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the leading field of study, and in some specialties, the degree of Doctor of Economic Sciences. In our institution, the opportunity to obtain an education is open to foreign citizens, and the first level of education is a junior bachelor’s degree.

ONEU is equipped with the appropriate materials and technical base for conducting classes in face-to-face form. Correspondence education as well provides the opportunity to receive education in a distance format. All students, upon request, are provided with a dormitory, have access to a sports complex, a library, computer classes, student lounges, etc.

The integration of Ukraine into the International scientific, educational, cultural and informational spaces increased interest in studying the Ukrainian language as a foreign language (ULFL), and the accession of Ukraine to the Bologna process in 2005 provided an opportunity for ONEU to increase the number of exchange programs between Ukrainian and foreign universities, which had a significant impact on number of foreign students who want to learn the Ukrainian language.

Over the last years of the ONEU work, the level of competitiveness of our young specialists has significantly increased not only in the labor market of our country, but also has confirmed its high level of providing professional knowledge in more than 40 specialties in the international arena. Summarizing the privileges of education in our university, it should be noted that we give our foreign students the opportunity not only to learn the Ukrainian language at a high level and adapt to our country, but also to become a highly qualified specialist at moderate costs (taking into account the costs of both training and of residence in our state).

The department is constantly expanding international relations, so in March 2023, the head of the department Yuliia Asieieva took part in the National Symposium with International participation «Kreatikon: Creativitate – Formare – Performanţă». The organizer of the event was Petre Andrei University, Iași, Romania. Theme of the 18th congress – «Creativitate și inovare – premise ale excelenței în educație» («Creativity and innovation are prerequisites for excellence in education»), where in the online format Yuliia Asieieva presented a report on the topic “Features of the manifestation of fears in teenagers in peacetime and in conditions of military operations.”

On the initiative of the head of the LPPT department, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Higher Education of Ukraine Yuliia Asieieva, agreements on cooperation between the ONEU and the universities of Moldova and Romania were signed. “AGREEMENT OF COOPERATION” was signed between ONEU and “Petre Andrei” University of Iasi, Romania in 2023. Between LPPT Department and Faculty of Social and Educational Sciences of FIUM (Free International University of Moldova) was signed document of cooperation also in 2023.

Section “Formation of the personality of a modern specialist in economics by the means of humanities” of the 21st International scientific and methodical conference “Scientific problems of management at the macro-, meso- and micro-economic levels” was organized and held by the efforts of the employees of the LPPT department (April 26-27, 2023, Odessa, Ukraine). On April 27, 2023, a representative of the Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iaşi (Iasi, Romania) took part in the procedings of this section of the conference.

Lecturers of MPPP O. Chusova and V. Pundev were sent by the Department of International Relations of ONEU to undergo the international scientific internship program “Outstanding Leaders of Today: Studying Experience and Professional Achievements for Forming a Successful Personality and Transforming the Surrounding World”. Date and venue: 04/07-05/27, 2023, Dubai, UAE. The internship was successfully completed on 05/27/2023. Same lecturers., as participants of a scientific internship in 2023, were involved in the implementation of international scientific grant No. IEG/U/23/03/06 of the International Scientific Project “East-West”, financed by a grant provided by IHBI with the financial support of the UAE, Italy, Bulgaria, the USA, Israel and China. These funds were used to pay for 180 hours (43 days) of the program “Outstanding Leaders of Today: Studying Experience and Professional Achievements to Form a Successful Personality and Transform the Surrounding World.”

Employees of the LPPT department during 2022-2023. were involved in international events with hours of advanced training according to the cumulative internship system, these are: International scientific and practical conferences, All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conferences with international participation. Correspondence with the person responsible for international relations of the Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg university is supported as well.

Preobrazhens’ka St, 8, room 121,