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International relations department

📌Dear colleagues!

With the purpose of making new contacts and strengthening the existing relations between foreign higher educational establishments and ONEU, Department of international relations was organized at the university in 2004.

The main activity of IRD is directed to the achievement of high international level, competitiveness of education and scientific researchers at ONEU, a wide integration of the university and regional system of higher education into international academic community, the development of an effective management system of international activity.

Fundamental objectives of the department:

  • Preparation, support, coordination and realization of the international projects with the participation of ONEU, its departments, creative teams and individual executives.
  • Organization and administration of various training programs for foreign citizens in ONEU on the state basis, in the frame of bilateral agreements and on the contractual basis.
  • Organization and administration of ONEU international cooperation under contracts concerning partnership with foreign universities, establishments, firms and organizations.
  • Monitoring with a view of objective estimation of ONEU international activity; creation and handling of corresponding databases; development of the basic parameters, mechanisms, procedures, the rules for carrying out ONEU regular self-estimation, its departments, programs and staff –as the necessary element of the international activity.
  • Analytical activity in the field of perfection of management of the international activity of the university.
  • Preparation and holding conferences, seminars, meetings.
  • Information support of ONEU web-site in the field of international activity; preparation of intermediate and final materials, debatable reports on projects and programs.
  • Application of modern information technologies and their wide introduction into practice of administrative activity at the university, including creation and support of IRD web-site.
  • Registration of foreign technical and charitable help to the university.
  • Organization and carrying out of additional educational programs directed to the perfection of skills of practical use of foreign languages the staffs and students.
  • Provision of proper document circulation in the questions under competence of IRD, including the preparation of orders, signing of agreements and contracts, etc.

Basic directions of activity of the International relations department

  • preparation and making agreements and contracts concerning the collaboration of the university with higher educational establishments and organizations of foreign states, practical realization of these agreements with other proper subdivisions of the university;
  • organization rendering services, related to the education of foreign citizens;
  • participation in organization, realization of multilateral and two-sided activities in accordance with the plans of international cooperation;
  • preparation and realization of international projects with the off-budget financing sources;
  • participation in the international educational and scientific programs and funds;
  • organization and conducting scientific and educational conferences, exhibitions, seminars, lectures on international topics, etc;
  • creation and conduct of database on funds, grants etc., providing consulting services for employees and students of the university, possibilities of financing related to the search at departure abroad for studies and internships;
  • registration of departures abroad for employees and students of the university.

Helen N. Shkurak
Head of international relations department of ONEU
+38 (0482) 358160
  • Management and organization of work in the department of international relations.
  • Organization of work with foreign citizens, students and teachers who have arrived in ONEU.
  • Recruitment of foreign citizens to study in ONEU.
  • Organization and carrying out of exchange programs with partner foreign higher educational establishments.
  • Work with students of ONEU participating in a competition of exchange programs.
  • Registration of trips abroad for employees, teachers and students of ONEU.
  • Consultation on preparation of documents for receiving of visas with the purpose of training, participation in conferences, scientific training; consultation concerning work of Embassies of foreign countries in Ukraine.
  • Preparation and realization of international projects; preparation of reports to superior bodies.
Iryna B. Shyrokaya
Leading specialist of IRD
+38 (048) 723-11-81 (fax)
  • Establishment of contacts with foreign citizens, wishing to be trained in ONEU, realization of legal support in registration of invitations, entry visas and documents.
  • Registration of documents and reception of foreign citizens.
  • Organization of work with foreign students coming to ONEU in the direction of ME and SU under contracts.
  • Organization of work with students and teachers of ONEU leaving for foreign business trips, foreign universities which are partners under exchange programs.
  • In proper time registration of foreign citizens on the territory of Ukraine.

8, Preobrazhenskaya str., room 125,
IRD, Оdesa, 65082 Ukraine



+38 (0482) 32-79-16
+38 (0482) 35-81-60
+38 (048) 723-11-81 (fax)

On October, 24 in the small hall of ONEU rector M. Zveryakov handed certificates to students, who listened to another successful series of lectures “The Economy of the European Union and the future EU-Ukraine relations” by Prof. Alvaro Fernandes (Portugal).

In Odessa National Economic University on September, 9 in the small hall was held the grand Opening of a cycle of lectures and seminars by Professor Alvaro Fernandes (Portugal) “The European Union economy and the future of the EU-Ukraine relationship.”

On the basis of the Odessa National Economic University from 17 to 26 September was held the joint Ukrainian-German Summer School «International Investments». The working language was English

On July 20, 2016 Rector of the University, M.I Zveryakov presented certificates to a group of ONEU students that during four years studied entirely in English.

Representatives of the Odessa National Economic University took an active part in the work of the 16th session of the EU Study Days, that was held in Odessa from 18 to 22 May 2016.

On April, 28 Rector of the University, M.I. Zveryakov presented certificates to students of ONEU, ONU and ONPU who attended a course “Economy of European Union and relations of the EU – Ukraine 2015/2016”. This course is conducted by Professor Alvaro Fernandes from Portugal with the support of Jean Monnet module of Erasmus + program.

On April, 22 in small assembly hall of the main ONEU building lectured Singaporean expert Gary Lit – Director and Consultant of GL Training and Consultancy.

18.02.2016 French delegation visited the ONEU.

At December 8th, 2015 ONEU visited delegation of Anhui University of Finance and Economics (China).

June 23, 2015 Rector ONEU Prof. M.I. Zvyeryakov and Vice-Rector for SPEW and IR docent G.I.Shubartovsky took part in the French-Ukrainian university forum in the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine with the participation of the Ambassador of France in Ukraine Mr. Alain Remy, the Deputy Minister I.Sovsun and M.Striha, senior administrators and researchers from France, a large delegation of leading universities of Ukraine cooperating with French universities.

On the 13th of June 2015 Rector of the University, M.I. Zvyeryakov handing certificates to the first group of students ONEU who studied for 4 years entirely in English.

In the European Union Information Centre Odessa National Economic University under the “EU Delegation to Ukraine: 20 years together” in the period from 14.05 to 10.06 conducted the following activities:

The Magna Charta of Universities was signed by the rector M.I. Zveryakov in one of the oldest universities, which was founded in 1088 in Bologna on the 14th of September 2010.

The delegation of Odessa State Economic University with participation of rector M.I. Zveryakov and Vice-rector O.I. Yona visited Stopansk Academy “D.A. Tsenov” ( Sophia, Bulgaria) in December 2010.

On the 17th of February 2011, Dario Spelta – the professor of Bologna University, who is responsible for international relations on the faculty of economics, visited Odessa State Economic University.

Department of Financial Management and Stock Market

Viktoria Hlibivna
Head of the Department
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

The Department of Financial Management and Stock Market is one of the most promising departments at ONEU. It was established with the aim of meeting the needs of modern business for qualified professionals in business finance management.

By providing training for higher qualified specialists in the field of economics, the department offers over 30 courses, with the core ones being “Financial Management,” “Investment,” “Insurance Business,” “Stock Market,” and others. The department actively utilizes innovative teaching technologies to enhance the quality of the educational process.

Continuous efforts are made by the faculty members to improve the scientific level and engage in active research work. Students are involved in research activities through participation in Olympiads, scientific conferences, publications in scientific collections, and engagement in the department’s budget-themed projects.

 Specialties of the department and scientific levels.

072 “Finance, Banking, Insurance, and Stock Market” is the specialty for which the Department of Financial Management and Stock Market prepares specialists at three scientific levels. 

Prospects of professional development.

Students undergo practical training in insurance companies, auditing firms, commercial banks, and enterprises. Collaboration with employers is maintained.

Our graduates can pursue careers in the following areas:

– Financial department manager

– Financial auditor

– Securities specialist

– Financial manager

– Bank branch manager

Partners of the department.


072 “Finance, Banking, and Insurance”

Educational programs:

– “Finance, Banking, and Insurance” – Junior Bachelor’s degree

– “Finance, Financial Management, and Insurance” – Bachelor’s degree

– “Financial and Insurance Management” – Master’s degree

Yelizaveta Oleksandrivna Kulikova – Senior Lecturer.

Responsible for international activities

Sergiy Oleksandrovich Fedchenko – Head and Director of the insurance company LLC “Logistics Insurance Online”

Iryna Mykhailivna Hryhorets – Director of the representative office of the partner network TAS Life in the city of Sumy, business development partner of SK “TAS” in Ukraine.

Sofia Oleksiivna Dombrovska – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Financial Management and Stock Market.

Svitlana Mykolaivna Iorga – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Financial Management and Stock Market.

St. Pushkinska, 26, room 311