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Erasmus+ Programme 2014-2020 KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices CBHE-Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education |
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Reference number | 617490-EPP-1-2020-1-MD-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP |
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Implementation period | 15 January 2021 – 14 January 2024 |
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Budget | 967 200,00 Euro |
The current social environment and high youth unemployment afflicting Europe, has led European policy to favor education seeking to promote the employability of young people. The crisis and the effect it has on the high unemployment rates, especially among the youth, has led some countries to give great importance to dual education at all educational levels and to speed up policies and reforms for the development of this system of education.
The key feature of Dual (cooperative and work-integrated) Higher Education (DHE) is the unique combination of theory and practice. The university’s curriculum combines higher education and on-the-job training at numerous partner companies, aiming to provide both academic skills and work-related expertise. In that regard, the academic content conveyed in classroom is complemented with workplace experience, so that real-life situations immediately test the effectiveness of classroom theory and vice versa.
The project aim is to integrate Dual Higher Education (DHE) in the Partner countries in general, and to improve individual employability and development, increase suitability and continuity between the demands of the professional world and the initial training of university students, and achieve of greater economic efficiency and social integration, in particular.
Integrating DHE in the Partner countries in general, and to improve individual employability and development, increase suitability and continuity between the demands of the professional world and the initial training of university students, and achieve of greater economic efficiency and social integration, in particular.
OB1: To identify needs and specific requirements of companies in different industrial sectors and businesses for DHE and to find companies willing to participate in pilot implementations of DHE during the project;
OB2: To develop a flexible and generic DHEM to support different needs and interests of employers, HEIs and students in different industrial and business sectors and to provide recommendations to HEIs for implementation of DHE;
OB3: To test the specific DHE models generated from the developed generic DHEM, by realizing their pilot implementations during the project and to analyze achieved results;
OB4: To propose changes to legislation/regulations to adapt DHE in the Partner countries.
- Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova
- Technical University of Moldova
- Free International University of Moldova
- Ministry of Education, Culture and Research of the Republic of Moldova
- Uzhhorod National University, Ukraine
- KROK University, Ukraine
- V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine
- Odessa National University of Economics, Ukraine
- Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
- Duale Hochschule Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany
- University of Lleida, Spain
- Varna University of Management, Bulgaria
- Akademia WSB, Poland
- European Policy Development and Research Institute of Maribor, Slovenia
Kovalev Anatoly, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Rector.
Meeting with P1-ASEM / MD and P6-KROK / UA project coordinators organized by EACEA (online session) | 25-29.01.2021 |
Project working groups (WGPs) have been formed:
– top management; – experts / authors of the curriculum; – team of project administrators |
01.04.2021 |
An order on the organization of work on the Erasmus + CBHE project in ONEU (№ 35 from 17.02.2021) has been prepared | 01.04.2021 |
Participation in the second meeting of the project management. Consortium meetings organized by P1-ASEM / MD ONLINE (online session) | 21.06.2021 |
Two specialties 072 “Finance, Banking and Insurance” and 076 “Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activities” were selected to develop and implement a dual model of higher education. The information is posted in the news section on the ONEU website | 29.06.2021 |
Preparation and signing of the Partnership Agreement (P1-ASEM / MD prepared a draft version of the Partnership Agreement for each project partner based on the EACEA model) | 14.07.2021 |
The list of enterprises for conducting a survey on the project is determined. The information is posted on the project page on the ONEU website | 15.07.2021 |
A web-page of the project has been created on the ONEU website | 15.07.2021 |
An institutional plan for the dissemination, operation and sustainable development of the project for the period from 07/14/2021 to 01/14/2022 has been prepared | 30.07.2021 |
Participation in the third meeting of the project management: Consortium meetings are organized by P1-ASEM / MD ONLINE in order to monitor the current implementation of the project | 03.09.2021 |
A survey of enterprises on dual higher education was conducted according to the developed questionnaire in accordance with the needs of the employment sector of the regions | 10.09.2021 |
Dissemination Report | 20.10.2021 |
Improving the legislative support for the introduction of DHE (ONEU_Ukraine 2021) |
On October 6, 2021, a seminar on the topic “Taking into account the experience of implementing dual education in Romania in the implementation of the COOPERA project in Ukraine and Moldova” was held .
Participate in the seminar in person:
- Mr. OvidiuIoan SILAGHI – General Secretary of the Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry;
- Prof., Dr. Constantin LUPU – Romanian Chamber of Commerce for Dual Education;
- Prof., PhD Florin BRÎNZĂ – Vice-Rector for Master’s, Doctoral Studies and Quality Management, Iasi University (Romania);
- Prof., PhD Constantin-Iulian DAMIAN – Vice-Rector for Bachelor’s and Faculty Training at Iasi University (Romania);
- Prof., PhD Daniela COJOCARU – Vice-Rector for International Relations and Partnerships of Iasi University (Romania)

The consortium of the ERASMUS+ project “INTEGRATING DUAL HIGHER EDUCATION IN MOLDOVA AND UKRAINE – COOPERA”, (reference number: 617490-EPP-1-2020-1-MD-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP) has met for the 1st Steering Commitee Meeting. The meeting was organised by the project grant coordinator in hybrid mode and took place at the premises of the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova on September 25th, 2021.
The institutional Coordinator from Moldova, Ukraine, Poland and Germany have participated physically during the event. Partners from the Varna University of Management and University of Lleida have joined the consortium online.
During the meeting partners discussed in detail the results obtained by the Moldovan and Ukrainan partners and revised the operational plan. At the same time, the consortium had the chance to discuss in detail the restrictions imposed by the governing bodies of the partner countries due to the spread of Covid-19 virus infection, which could affect the study visits to EU partners, planned to be completed by the end of this year.
As part of the program has been included the visit to the Vocational School from Orhei, which is a dual VET provider from the region. The day have ended with the Lunch at Chateau Vartely Winery.
In order to see a detailed information, please see MINUTES of the meeting.

On September 24th, 2021 in Chisinau has been organized amdrealised the first COOPERA Expert Workshop in framework of the ERASMUS + project “Integrating Dual Higher Education in Moldova and Ukraine – COOPERA” (reference number: 617490-EPP-1-2020-1- MD-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP), coordinated by the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova.
COOPERA Expert Workshop, edition 1 aimed to create a space for the dissemination of research results in the areas of business needs for dual higher education in the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine and identificatify the viable models to be integrated in the dual higher education in the respective countries.
At the opening of the event, Mr. Sergiu HAREA, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova, came with a greeting and highlighted the importance of dual education at the higher education level. Mrs. Nadejda VELIȘCO, Head of the Higher Education Policy Department of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research of the Republic of Moldova, analyzed perspectives of dual higher education in the Republic of Moldova. Next on the program was Mrs. Oana VODIȚĂ, Project Manager, GIZ Country Office Moldova, presented the dual vocational educational and training (VET) system in the Republic of Moldova.
The event was attended by partners from the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine, Germany, Bulgaria, Poland, Slovenia and Spain.
Among the topics discussed were:
- Perspectives for the integration of dual education in higher education in the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine;
- The results of the study on the perspectives of the development of dual education in higher education; experience of implementing dual education in the technical vocational school in the Republic of Moldova;
- Good practices of European universities shared by foreign partners, etc.
Participants discussed joint efforts in the process of implementing dual education at the higher education level and the need for further collaboration, which will have multiple benefits for both students and businesses.
In order to find our more, please consult the PROGRAMME of the event.
The Presentation realised by the COOPERA partners, can be found below:
- COOPERA 1st EW / 24.09.2021/ GIZ Moldova-Oana VODITA
- COOPERA 1st EW / 24.09.2021 / P3-ULIM – Valentina CIUMACENCO
- COOPERA 1st EW / 24.09.2021 / P4-MECCRM – Dr. Nadejda VELISCO
- COOPERA 1st EW / 24.09.2021 / P7-KKNU – Anton KVITKA
- COOPERA 1st EW / 24.09.2021 / P10-DHBW – Prof. Dr. Valentin WEISLÄMLE; Prof. Dr. Wendy FEHLNER

The consortium of the ERASMUS+ project “INTEGRATING DUAL HIGHER EDUCATION IN MOLDOVA AND UKRAINE – COOPERA”, (reference number: 617490-EPP-1-2020-1-MD-EPPKA2-
The institutional coordinators of the project partner institutions has met to discuss the state of art of the projects activities. The updated Operational plan of the COOPERA project has been presented by the Grant coordinator – dr. Olesea SIRBU. A special attention has been stressed on the organization of the Expert Workshop, edition 1, that will be organized by the Coordinating institution P1-ASEM and hosted by the Project partner P3-ULIM.
In order to see a detailed information, please see MINUTES of the meeting.
Within the framework of the project Integration of Dual Higher Education in Moldova and Ukraine – COOPERA, implemented within the Erasmus + Program 2014-2020, 10 business representatives were selected from enterprenuer entities of Odessa region for further questionnaires on their readiness to join the pilot project of dual higher education at Odessa National Economic University.
The participants of the project survey included:
in the direction Entrepreneurship:
- Odessa Cable Plant PJSC “Odeskabel”
- LLC TD Telekart-Prom
- Cement LLC
- LLC “Telecommunication Technologies”
- Agricultural company JSC “Eureka”
in the direction Banking:
- JSC “Bank Vostok”
- JSC OTP Bank (Southern Regional Directorate)
- Oschadbank JSC
- JSC “Pivedenny Bank”
In the framework of the project Integration of Dual Higher Education in Moldova and Ukraine – COOPERA, implemented within the Erasmus + Program 2014-2020 during repeated discussions of project participants, consideration of their proposals with university management and business representatives of the region were selected specialties (areas of training) of the first (bachelor) level of higher education as a pilot for the implementation of this project. Students from the chosen specialties will have an opportunity to join TRAINING IN THE DUAL FORM.
The priorities include:
072 “Finance, Banking and Insurance”
076 “Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activities”
During the working meeting held on 07.07.2021, the vectors of work on the model of dual higher education at Odessa National Economic University were determined. The participants of the meeting discussed:
- the procedure for selecting students by employers;
- the educational process organization’s features in terms of dual form of higher education, the duration of practical training, the work time distribution in an internship;
- financial aspects of combining university studies with workplace training;
- other issues which provoke discussion from the standpoint of the dual education program’s concept.
The results of the discussion are planned to be presented and considered during a joint event with business representatives and students in September 2021.
The consortium of the ERASMUS+ project “INTEGRATING DUAL HIGHER EDUCATION IN MOLDOVA AND UKRAINE – COOPERA”, (reference number: 617490-EPP-1-2020-1-MD-EPPKA2-
The project consortium has met to discuss the realization of the COOPERA project activities. The Grant coordinator – dr. Olesea SIRBU has presented the Operational plan for the 1st year, pointing out the activities achieved and upcoming deadlines.
The realization of the surveys of companies needs for DHE (WP1/A1.2.1) has been started. All the partner universities from Moldova and Ukraine are involved in preliminary preparation for the survey’s implementation. Moreover, the consortium has been informed about the preliminary dated of the Study Visits to the European partner universities, that will take place starting from September 2021.
A special time has been dedicated to the Dissemination chapter of the project (WP6). The COOPERA grant coordinator presented the project logo and informed about the project webpage, that is being under construction. Moreover, all the project partners has been informed about the importance of dissemination of the information about the project in national language through institutional and social media platforms.
In order to see a detailed information, please see MINUTES of the meeting.
Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, the Grant Coordinator of the ERASMUS+ project “INTEGRATING DUAL HIGHER EDUCATION IN MOLDOVA AND UKRAINE – COOPERA”, (reference number: 617490-EPP-1-2020-1-MD-EPPKA2-
The COOPERA Project is funded by the European Commission – Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual and Culture – within the ERASMUS+ programme in the amount of 967.200,00 EUR and it will be realized together with (14) partner institutions from Moldova, Ukraine, Germany, Spain, Bulgaria, Poland, Slovenia.
COOPERA project aims at integrating DHE in the Partner countries in general, and to improve individual employability and development, increase suitability and continuity between the demands of the professional world and the initial training of university students, and achieve of greater economic efficiency and social integration, in particular.
During the meeting, the COOPERA project Grant coordinator – dr. Olesea SIRBU has welcomed consortium and presented project’s specific objectives. The consortium has discussed in detail the structure od the Work packages, time limits and deadlines.
The management structure of the COOPERA project has been presented and discussed by partner institution. Moreover, the Partner Institutions from Moldova had informed the consortium about the possibility of physical organization of Study visits and other project events.
Taking into account the importance of dissemination of project activities and results, the project partners were impormed about the dissemination rules. The financial management rules have been presented and explained by ASEM team.
In order to see a detailed information, please see PROGRAMM and MINUTES of the meeting.