Bespalov Volodymyr Mikhailovich

Dean to the faculty

Ph.D., Professor Associate

Odessa National Economic University is one of the best high education institutions in economics not only in Ukraine, but also abroad. The university is part of the world educational space, has a high international rating, which is confirmed by membership in the European Association of Universities (EAU). The staff of the university carries out the development of the actual problems of the economic development of the society, the formation mechanisms of the market relations, makes a lot of efforts to improve the educational process, the introduction of progressive pedagogical techniques, strengthening technical base of universities, the creation of new directions and specialties. The accumulated experience, the high professionalism of teachers and staff, the dynamics of development, the competitiveness of graduates allowed the university to become a leading center for training national staff. The university sees its mission in orientation towards the formation of the scientific and professional elite of Ukraine.

The Faculty of International Economics is one of the youngest and most popular in the structure of the Odessa National Economic University. During forty years, the Faculty of International Economics has trained more than seven thousand professionals, of which more than four hundred – for foreign countries. Today more than a thousand students study at the faculty.

The faculty trains specialists from two branches of knowledge:  “International Economics”, “Marketing”, “Tourism”,”Hotel and restaurant business”.

“International Economics”. The competence of the Master in International Economic Relations is determined by the high level of fundamental and advanced knowledge of innovative character and special and sufficient for professional, scientific, economic, management and research activities in the field of international economics, production, etc.

“Marketing”. The Marketing Department is the leading center for the preparation of marketologists in the Southern region of Ukraine. Post-graduate and doctoral studies is available.

“Tourism”. The University has a license from the Ministry of Education of Ukraine to train specialists for all three qualification levels: bachelor, master’s degree. Activity of a tourism professional is the development of topical issues of economics and management in relation to various tourist industry enterprises: tourist firms-operators and agents, hotels, restaurants, transport organizations, sanatorium and resort complexes, museums, sports and entertainment establishments, etc. Also, great attention is paid to the search for opportunities for development in the Odessa region of types of tourism, able to bring income to the region’s economy: cultural-cognitive, health-improving, rural (agrotourism), water cruise tourism, ecological and some others. Graduates of the faculty can work as heads of travel agencies, agencies, hotels, sanatorium and resort establishments, tourist bases, heads of travel agencies and excursions, hotel room managers, conference service specialists, leisure organizations, researchers in tourism and recreation.

The versatility of the students’ training for the FME allows them to enter the postgraduate studies after graduating from the university and receive the necessary qualifications, to work as teachers in educational institutions at all levels of accreditation, to engage in research work.

We are ready to provide the necessary consultations on our programs at FME.

2, Pryvokzalna sq., office.113

724-58-67, 724-59-61