Head of the Department, Candidate of Economic Sciences (Ph. D.), Professor
The history of the Finance Department of ONEU dates back to 1921 when the Department of Monetary Circulation, Finance and Credit was established at the Odesa Credit and Economic Institute. Today, the department prepares highly qualified professionals in the field of economics and provides scientific and methodological instruction for more than 50 academic disciplines, including «Finance,» «Financial System,» «Tax System,» «Budget System,» «Public Finance,» «Public Finance of Foreign Countries,» «Local Finance,» «Customs Affairs,» «Treasury System,» «Financial Control,» «Fiscal Policy,» «Methodology of Scientific Research,» and more.
In order to enhance the quality of the educational process, the faculty members of the Finance Department widely employ innovative teaching technologies such as presentations, problem-based lectures, discussions, business games, and more.
The Finance Department also has branches:
- Scientific Research Expert-Criminalistic Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine;
- Department of Finance of the Odessa Regional State Administration;
- Department of Finance of the Odessa City Council.
The department actively cooperates with: local financial institutions, the State Treasury Service of Ukraine; the State Tax Service of Ukraine, the State Customs Service of Ukraine, territorial units of the State Audit Service of Ukraine; local self-government bodies; entities of all forms of ownership, customs brokers, where students also have the opportunity to gain practical experience, participate in internships, educational practices, and get employed.
Department specialties and academic levels
The Department of Finance accepts and trains students at all levels of higher education within the specialty of 072 «Finance, Banking, Insurance and Stock Market»:
- Junior Bachelor, educational program «Finance, Banking, Insurance»
- Bachelor, educational programs «Tax and Customs», «Finance, Financial Management and Insurance»
- Master, educational program «Public Finance Management»
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), educational program «Finance, Banking and Insurance»
There is also the possibility of studying the department’s educational programs with simultaneous semester-long education in EU countries
Career prospects
After completing their studies, graduates of the Department of Finance can work in the following organizations: the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine and local financial agencies; the State Treasury Service of Ukraine; the State Audit Service of Ukraine and its territorial subdivisions; the State Tax Service of Ukraine and the State Customs Service of Ukraine; departments of state social funds; local self-government bodies; entities of all forms of ownership, in state and local executive authorities; united territorial communities; customs brokerage firms; scientific institutions and higher education establishments.
Our partners/stakeholders

Slatvinska Maryna
Head of Department, Candidate of Economic Sciences (Ph. D.), Professor

Volokhova Iryna
Doctor of Economics, Professor

Khomutenko Alla
Candidate of Economic Sciences (Ph. D.), Professor

Kurhanska Eleonora
Candidate of Economic Sciences (Ph. D.), Associate Professor

Lohvinovska Svitlana
Candidate of Economic Sciences (Ph. D.), Associate Professor

Martyniuk Iryna
Candidate of Economic Sciences (Ph. D.), Associate Professor

Volkova Oksana
Candidate of Economic Sciences (Ph. D.), Associate Professor

Lutsenko Iryna
Candidate of Economic Sciences (Ph. D.), Associate Professor

Dubovyk Olha
Candidate of Economic Sciences (Ph. D.), Professor, Associate Professor

Shykina Nataliia
Candidate of Economic Sciences (Ph. D.), Associate Professor

Kotsiurubenko Hanna
Candidate of Economic Sciences (Ph. D.), Associate Professor

Kyriazova Tetiana
Candidate of Economic Sciences (Ph. D.), Senior Lecturer

Bohatyrova Yevheniia
Candidate of Economic Sciences (Ph. D.), Senior Lecturer

Dibrova Olena
Lecturer of the Department of Finance
As part of the DAAD grant project implemented by Odesa National Economic University (ONEU) in collaboration with the University of Applied Sciences – Hochschule Mittweida, students were invited to participate in a competition of original essays, in particular, the Department of Finance was represented by student Sadchykova O.O. from group 42 of the Faculty of Finance and Banking. (September 2023).

Here are Oleksandra’s impressions:
First of all, let’s talk about education. The instructors are very supportive towards students (especially foreign ones), providing assistance when needed, explaining unclear questions, and even helping with test and exam preparation. The classes are conducted in English, with access to presentations and videos that are demonstrated during the lectures. The schedule is very convenient, because classes can start at either 9 a.m. or 1 p.m., allowing for personal life adjustments and avoiding overloading.
Regarding accommodation, our school does not have a dormitory, but the rental prices for apartments are quite affordable, especially if you live with someone else. Zagreb has a convenient transportation system, so getting to any place is not a problem.
The most interesting and, in my opinion, the most important thing, apart from studying subjects related to our specialty, is, of course, daily communication with foreigners. This is an exchange of cultural values, English language practice, broadening horizons, and making new acquaintances (and possibly opportunities in the future).
In my opinion, international programs are essential practice for students who not only want to become more confident but also want to experience life in other countries from the perspective of residents and absorb the best from such an experience.
I am very happy that I took advantage of such an opportunity and went abroad to study, as this, in my opinion, is a very important life experience that opens your eyes to certain things, helps you be more tolerant towards people, and express yourself. I am very grateful to Svitlana Oleksiivna Danilina for her help in organizational matters and to the employees of the International Department for their patience and their work in general!
Erasmus is also about the opportunity to travel, meet new people, and improve yourself!

PhD, Associate Professor Hanna Mykolaivna Kotsiurubenko participated as an invited lecturer in the mini-course «Households as Participants in Financial Relations» during the 15th International Week. The 15th International Week took place at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, University of Szeged, in Szeged, Hungary from March 27-31, 2023.

PhD, Associate Professor Hanna Mykolaivna Kotsiurubenko participated in events (open lectures, masterclasses, workshops) according to the schedule of the 12th International Staff Training Week on «Crisis Management – Personal, Institutional and Global Aspects». The event took place for five days from May 16-20, 2022 in Nysa, Poland.

Hanna M. Kotsiurubenko had the opportunity to conduct research in accordance with an open temporary vacancy and a grant provided for the position of invited research collaborator (2022-2023) at the Department of Economics, ALMA MATER Studiorum – University of Bologna, Italy.
Maria Androsova, a 3rd-year student of the Faculty of Finance and Banking., received DAAD scholarship grant from Mittwide University for scientific work, (November 2022)
Ph.D., Associate Professor Olena Volkova is undergoing an internship at the School of Business and Economics of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
Impressions of Olena Georgiivna:
My internship at the School of Business and Economics of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam left no doubts about the usefulness of this stage in my life. First and foremost, the internship helped me to determine the most relevant directions of scientific research and educational content. From personal impressions, I would like to note the openness of the university’s policy regarding the opportunity to attend lectures and access educational materials. During the lectures, there is an opportunity to verify the correctness of my own developments during teaching activities and see new interesting approaches to teaching disciplines. In particular, the approach to forming a focused list of diploma topics and the opportunity for students to choose their own research topic was interesting. It was also interesting for me personally to see the ways of communication between professors and students, their open and very active communication during and after classes, informal ways of communication with students (having coffee/tea together, etc.), and lecturers receiving rewards from students in the form of applause for interesting lectures. It was pleasantly surprising to see the clear adherence to time management during meetings, classes, etc. During the internship, it is possible to familiarize oneself with various forms of scientific communication, such as workshops, scientific seminars where the results of research by graduate students and applicants for vacant positions are presented. Interestingly, such events can take place during lunch, which does not interfere with scientific discussions, but on the contrary, creates a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. In general, the internship provides an opportunity to get acquainted with scientists in one’s field of specialization and research theme, invite them to participate in various activities. For example, in November 2022, a meeting was held with 2 professors from the School of Business and Economics with students of the Faculty of Finance and Business Studies of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. A pleasant surprise for me was an invitation to participate in the diploma award ceremony as a special guest, where I had the opportunity to congratulate the graduates and personally hand them their diplomas
Visit of PhD, Assoc. Prof. Volkova O.G. to the Dutch Parliament and meeting of students with the Member of Parliament as part of the course ‘Future of Capitalism’
PhD, Assoc. Prof. Volkova O.G. with PhD student Diana Kushnir from Odesa National Economic University, who is currently also studying at VU Amsterdam as a PhD student
The PhD student of the Department of Finance, Ignatenko R.V., from 15.06.22 to 30.04.23 is currently at the University of Applied Sciences – Hochschule Mittweida as a guest.
R.V.’s feedback:
The rector of our friendly University of Applied Sciences – Hochschule Mittweida provided me with a workplace with a computer and internet access, familiarized me with the partner network, and granted me access to the university library. Professor Tolkmit F. Is advising and supporting me as a technical supervisor for writing my dissertation
As part of the DAAD grant project implemented by Odesa National Economic University (ONEU) in collaboration with the University of Applied Sciences – Hochschule Mittweida, educational materials from Hochschule Mittweida were incorporated into the educational process by the lecturer of the Department of Finance, Dibrova O.L. Additionally, as part of the project, PhD students were invited to participate in a competition of original essays based on these materials (in particular, the Department of Finance was represented by student Sadchykova O.O. from group 32 of the Faculty of Finance and Banking

From September 15, 2018 to September 22, 2018, the teaching staff of the Department of Finance (Martyniuk I.V., Kyriazova T.O., Lutsenko I.S., Bohatyrova Ye.M., Vasiutynska L.A.) underwent an internship at Varna Economic University. During the internship, the following activities were carried out:
1) Studied the peculiarities of the educational process in Bulgarian higher education institutions (using Varna Economic University as an example);
2) Analyzed the regulatory and statistical framework for financial relations construction available at the university library;
3) Explored the specifics of individual advisory work with students at Varna Economic University;
4) Participated in the scientific-practical conference «Ukraine-Bulgaria-European Union: Current State and Prospects» by presenting at a sectional meeting and publishing an abstract of the report;
5) Participated in methodological and practical sessions on educational disciplines.
The faculty of the Department of Finance, including Assoc. Prof. Dubovyk O.Yu., Prof. Slatvinska M.O., Assoc. Prof. Kurhanska E.I., completed an international internship, during which they accomplished the following planned tasks:
- Participated in a distance training on the topic of «Banking Systems of European Countries and Trends in the Development of Banking Services in the European Union» during their scientific internship in Poznań, Poland on May 1-3, 2017, as confirmed by the corresponding certificate.
- Took part in the research conference «Knowledge Management in Tourism Enterprises» held on May 2, 2017 at the Higher School of Hotel Management and Catering Industry in Poznań, Poland.
- Completed a qualification enhancement course organized by the Institute for International Cooperation Development in Poland on April 22 – May 2, 2017.
- Completed a qualification enhancement course on «Organization of Educational and Methodological Process, Innovative Methods and Approaches in Teaching: Experience of Magdeburg University» held on May 4-5 at Magdeburg University, Germany.
- Signed agreements on further cooperation between Odesa National Economic University and partner universities in order to strengthen cooperation.
- Faculty and students of ONEU held meetings with students from partner universities on the topic of «Studying at ONEU», during which the issues and problems of the education system in Ukraine, its advantages, challenges, and prospects on the path of European integration processes were highlighted and discussed. (from April 29, 2017 to May 8, 2017