Batanova Tetiana head of department
Scientific and Editorial Department was created in December 2015 for the purpose of:
- the development and promotion of scientific professional editions of Odessa National Economic University as well as their promotion in international scientometric and abstract databases, archives and catalogs;
- the broad involvement of the scientific community to discuss vital problems of economics and economic sciences, and promoting the results promulgation of advanced research in this sphere;
- the level increasing of scientific publications and their convergence with international standards;
- the promotion of scientists and university involvement in national and international projects of research activities scientometric monitoring.
The main tasks of the Department:
- the organization of editorial processing, printing and publishing of university’s scientific professional editions;
- the promotion of university’s scientific professional editions as well as their promotion to international scientometric and abstract databases, archives and catalogs;
- the level increase of scientific publications and their convergence with international standards;
- the organization of internal and external reviews of research publication materials; involvement of experts in economics and economic sciences for publications expert evaluation;
- the participation in organizing and holding of ONEU scientific conferences;
- the collection, compilation, analysis, systematization and dissemination of materials for scientists participation in conferences, symposiums and seminars at different levels;
- the promotion of scientists and university involvement in national and international projects of research activities scientometric monitoring.
Scientific Editions of ONEU
«Socio-economic research bulletin» «Scientific bulletin of the Odessa national economic university» «Problems of economic development»
65082, Odessa, 18, Gogolya str., of. 110
National repository of academic texts (Ukraine)
Register of scientific professional publications of Ukraine
List of journals indexed in Scopus
List of journals indexed in Web of Science
National standard of Ukraine – bibliographic description DSTU-8302-2015 –прикріпити стандарт в ПДФ файлі
APA referencing stile (examples) – прикрепить ПДФ – APA_Style Referencing