Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor
The history of the Economic Cybernetics and Information Technologies department began with the creation of the department in September 1962, which was named as “Department of computing machines and mechanization of computational work”. The nowadays department of “Economic Cybernetics and Information Technologies” (EC and IT) was created in 2016 by the merger of the departments of “Economic Cybernetics” and “Information Systems in the Economy”.
Main disciplines of the department are:
- Economic-mathematical methods and models;
- Informatics;
- Internet-technologies in business;
- Computerization of business information;
- Economic cybernetics;
- Experimental economy;
- E-business;
- E-governance;
- Management of IT projects;
- Object oriented and Web development.
Nowadays, within the curricula for bachelor’s degree applicants, such disciplines as “Informatics”, “E-business” and “Information systems and technologies in the economy” are taught in a foreign language (English) by the department lecturers.
Scientific interests of the department academic staff are:
- Mathematical and computer modelling of economic processes;
- Studying of labor resources development;
- Studying and forecasting on stock exchange and cryptocurrency dynamics;
- Education, labor, business problems under restrictions (pandemic, war) and Information Technologies;
- E-governance development
Department specialties and scientific levels
The Department of EC and IT carries out education in the following academic and scientific levels:
- “Management”:
- bachelor’s degree within the educational program “Information and Internet Technologies in Management”;
- “Economics”:
- bachelor’s degree within the educational program “Computer and Internet Technologies in Business”;
- master’s degree within the educational program “Economic-mathematical modeling”;
- PhD.
Graduates professional development prospects
After completing their studies, ONEU graduates of the department educational programs can hold the following positions:
- Account Manager;
- Sales Manager;
- Manager of Communication Technologies;
- Online Store Manager;
- Content Manager;
- Supply / Purchase Manager;
- Assistant Manager / Administrative Assistant;
- Office Manager;
- Personnel Manager, etc.
Department partners
- Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
- Bohdan Khmelnitsky National University of Cherkasy
- Odessa State Environmental University
- State University of Economics and Technology
- “U-Control”, LTD (‘Ю-Контрол’, ТОВ)
- “Spilka avtomatyzatoriv biznesu”, Public Organization (‘Спілка Автоматизаторів Бізнесу’, ГО).
Department scientific activities directions
- implementation of the complex research topic “Modeling the development of labor resources and the implementation of electronic governance in Ukraine”;
- department’s teachers research work, which is reflected in interim and final Reports on the Research Work, monographs, articles, theses of reports, textbooks;
- preparation of PhD theses by graduate students of the department;
- students’ research work, which is reflected in scientific publications and theses of reports at various levels scientific conferences.
The department has been a co-organizer of the International Conference “Monitoring, Modeling & Management of Emergent Economy (M3E2)” since 2010 and until now. All years, the program committee of the conference includes Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor E. S. Yakub and Candidate of Economic Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor O. M. Hostryk.
The results of department scientists’ researches are reflected in many publications, which are printed in scientific editions of various levels. All employees of the department participate in international and Ukrainian scientific conferences, forums and other scientific events. Some of the publications can be reviewed on the University repository web-site.
The teachers of the department supervise the research work of students who take part in departmental, faculty, Ukrainian and international conferences, as well as prepare scientific articles and theses of reports.
Since 2018, the department has published a collection of student research papers “Information Technologies in Economics and Management”.

Eugene Yakub
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor

Nataliia Medzhybovska
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

Oleksii Hostryk
Candidate of Economic Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor

Oksana Orlyk
Candidate of Economic Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor

Kyrylo Vasilchenko
Candidate of Economic Sciences (PhD), Senior Lecturer

Svitlana Manzhula
Candidate of Economic Sciences (PhD), Senior Lecturer

Alisa Vakula
Senior Lecturer

Olha Yesina
Senior Lecturer

Svitlana Maruschenko
Assistant / Office Manager
Information for applicants
The Department of Economic Cybernetics and Information Technologies carries out education in the following specialties:
073 “Management” | 051 “Economics” | ||
bachelor Information and Internet Technologies in Management |
bachelor Computer and Internet Technologies in Business |
master Economic-mathematical modeling |
PhD |
To enroll in education process foreign applicants need to speak Ukrainian at a sufficient level (B2).
- Two departments – Economic Cybernetics and Information Technologies and Management carry out the preparation of bachelors by educational program “Information and Internet Technologies in Management”.
This is a new modern direction of training managers in the conditions of informatization and digitization of the economy, whose professional task is to ensure the development of enterprises, organizations and business structures in various spheres of activity in the public and private sectors of the economy through the prism of information technologies. Graduates will be able to solve the tasks of the subject area using modern tools of management, information and Internet technologies.
After completing their studies, program’s graduates can hold the following positions:
- Account Manager;
- Sales Manager;
- Manager of Communication Technologies;
- Online Store Manager;
- Content Manager;
- Supply / Purchase Manager;
- Assistant Manager / Administrative Assistant;
- Office Manager;
- Personnel Manager, etc.
Presentation of “Information and Internet Technologies in Management” (bachelor) program
- The Department of Economic Cybernetics and Information Technologies carries out education within program “Computer and Internet Technologies in Business” (bachelor).
Education program “Computer and Internet Technologies in Business” aimed at training specialists capable to solve economic problems based on mathematical models and methods using the latest information technologies, modern computer management methods and to make effective management decisions. The main feature of the program is system approach that merges three blocks:
- general economic disciplines;
- computer and mathematical modeling;
- information systems and technologies.
Such a feature of the integration of modern theoretical knowledge and practical skills allows a student to become a competitive specialist in the labor market
After completing their studies, program’s graduates can hold the following positions:
- analysts and developers of accounting and analysis systems in banks, insurance, consulting and IT companies;
- specialists in intelligent data analysis (Data Mining, Big Data);
- specialists in the application of modern Internet technologies (e-commerce, e-governance, cloud computing, blockchain);
- dealers on the FOREX market;
- specialists in developing expert systems and using them to support decision-making;
- professionals in the field of computing (informatization, digitalization);
- professionals in economic cybernetics.
Presentation of “Computer and Internet Technologies in Business”
- The Department of Economic Cybernetics and Information Technologies carries out education within program “Economic-mathematical modeling” (master).
The educational program “Economic-Mathematical Modeling” is aimed at training highly qualified specialists in economics who possess modern economic thinking, fundamental knowledge and practical skills, capable of solving research problems, complex problems of the various levels economic systems functioning, making appropriate analytical and managerial decisions in the field of economics.
The structure of the program involves mastering knowledge about: mathematical methods and models of transformational and market economy, corporate information systems, modeling and management of investment and innovation processes, IT projects, interaction with clients, information management, risk management in the real sector of the economy.
After completing their studies, program’s graduates can hold the following positions:
- a specialist in planning, forecasting and evaluating the performance of enterprises and their departments;
- analyst in the banking and financial sphere;
- business analyst, developer of information systems projects;
- a specialist in setting and programming economic tasks;
- teacher;
- researcher.
Academic Mobility
On June 2022 Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor N. Medzhybovska has taken a part in Staff Mobility For Teaching at the framework of the Erasmus+ Program. Within the program, she has visited D.A. Tsenov Academy of Economics, Svishtov, Bulgaria with lectures and case studies on “E-Business” course.
She also has gotten familiar with learning management system that was used at D.A. Tsenov Academy of Economics. It is an open source virtual classroom solution for online learning that provides real-time audio, video, slide, whiteboard, chat, and screen sharing. She made a proposal to use a similar system in ONEU. Professor believes that academic mobility opens addition possibilities not only for teaching abroad, but also for getting new knowledge and experience.
Monitoring, Modeling & Management of Emergent Economy
On November 17-18, 2022 the 10th International Conference “Monitoring, Modeling & Management of Emergent Economy” was held with co-organization of the department. The conference is focusing on research advances and applications of nonlinear dynamics methods, econophysics and complex systems methodology of emergent economy.
The conference is held annually in Odesa or Cherkasy. In 2022 because of russian invasion it was held online.
More information on the conference: https://m3e2.ccjournals.eu/2022/
The department teachers (N. Medzhibovska, K. Vasilchenko and S. Manzhula) have taken a part in international TEMPUS ECOMMIS project that was held in 2011-2014 coordinated by Vilnius Gediminas Technical University VGTU (Vilnius, Lithuania).
This project supports inter-university cooperation in the field of development and improvement of educational programs in E-commerce.
The project envisaged the creation of two-level (bachelor and master) E-commerce training programs for students of higher educational institutions from partner countries, promotion of the development of the information society in the project participating countries, and the creation of a network of Electronic Business Offices to provide E-commerce training services for women, schoolchildren and pensioners. The goals of the project were successfully achieved.
More information on the project: https://vilniustech.lt/files/405/20/1/15_0/Tempus_last.pdf
The international activity of the department of Economic Cybernetics and Information Technologies consists in searching for international partners, participation in international conferences, publication of articles in international journals, participation in the training of students studying in programs taught in a foreign language. The international activity of the department’s teachers contributes to the comprehensive development of the personality of a scientist and educator, as well as the department as a whole.
The main goal of the international activity of the department is to expand the basis for scientific research, to master new technologies and methods used in educational world practice. To do this, the teachers of the department take part in international conferences, publish scientific articles, methodical educational materials in a foreign language (English) and take part in the academic mobility programs and international projects.
Today, as part of the curricula for bachelor’s degree applicants, such disciplines as “Informatics”, “Electronic business” and “Information systems and technologies in the economy” are taught in a foreign language (English) at the department.
I would like to express my gratitude to all the teachers of the Economic Cybernetics and Information Technologies department, who accompanied us all our student years, thanks to which I was ready for the realities of life.
In my profession, I successfully implement the acquired skills and a powerful theoretical base.
I wish my faculty to maintain a high standard and quality of teaching, and future students – success and purposefulness!
Mykhailo Ivanov, graduated in 2021
IDS Borjomi Ukraine, logistics and IT specialist
Nowadays, the field of IT has reached very high peaks. Therefore, students who have chosen the educational direction that the Economic Cybernetics and Information Technologies department provides will always be in high demand on the labor market. These specialties will open up development opportunities for you in various areas of the economy. The main thing is to understand that the knowledge you will receive at our department will make you a highly qualified specialist in the field of IT technologies in the future. You only need to believe in yourself and in the knowledge you will receive here.
Oleksandr Nyzkohat, graduated in 2020
TEDIS Ukraine, IT support department specialist
First, I created a page on Instagram, and then I made a website for myself. At first, I thought about paying for the site creation, but I realized that there is nothing complicated, I did it on the “Tilda” platform. I would not risk it if it were not for cybernetics. I received a lot of useful information during my time at the university. Yes, I do not work by profession, but every day I come across what I learned. Life somehow connects and directs precisely in the direction of cybernetics. Therefore, when applicants think about where to go, they should go where their soul lies. Where it will be interesting, and the profession itself will find you.
Khrystyna Burukova, graduated in 2019
Plywoodpro online home decor store, founder and designer
Studying at ONEU gave me a very large base of knowledge and direction for choosing a profession. I would advise all our students to accustom themselves to hard work from the first year and not to postpone their studies until the last day. Absorb knowledge and be independent. Also, appreciate every second, because student time is the best years of life.
Denis Shapovalov, graduated in 2018
Trade and retail network MD-Fashion, programmer in the Odesa branch
Use the years of university life to the maximum, experiment and develop your talents. You have a great time to understand in which direction you want to develop and build a career. The most important thing that you should acquire during your studies at the university is the ability to study, analyze and draw conclusions. I want personally thank the department for the opportunity to study subjects by case studies. It helped me develop critical thinking and look for non-standard approaches to solving problems.
Albina Trachuk, graduated in 2017
AutoDoc GmbH, Digital marketing manager
For me, the years of study at ONEU are a bright and memorable period of life. Including, thanks to the excellent teaching staff of the department. It’s nice to study here! The disciplines are modern and interesting, the teachers are professional. I would like to wish every student to enjoy their studies, and in the future to listen to their heart and choose the right profession.
Yulia Levina, graduated in 2014
Skylogic, Internet Marketer
Appreciate even knowledge that is “unnecessary” in your opinion, you will be very surprised at its usefulness after graduating from university. I wish future students to be focused, diligent in their studies and to learn to see the solution of problems one step ahead.
Alena Pushkaryova, graduated in 2013
Zezman Construction Company, CDO chief data officer
Economic cybernetics gave me fundamental knowledge that helps in analyzing business needs. Do not be afraid of difficulties! Many complex subjects will ultimately affect your development as a professional.
Diana Savvova, graduated in 2012
DataArt, IT Business analyst
Competition in the market of IT specialists is growing every year. Here knowledge is your main advantage and whether you will have it, depends only on you. Our department gave me these advantages, for which I am very grateful!
Yuliya Kavchak, graduated in 2012
Rakuten Advertising, Machine Learning Engineer
Everything is in your hands. All limitations are in your head. Set goals and go for them!
Mykola Kaglyak, graduated in 2012
Sky Motors + (Nissan brand) and Mustang Motors (Ford brand), Director
I hope that those applicants who come after will be devoted, industrious in their academics and gain the capacity to find solutions to issues one stage at a time. Teachers of the department will help you to do so.
Anatoly Bek, graduated in 2011
Web studio 16.WEB, SEO specialist
Now it is not enough just to be an economist. The development of analytical abilities and the ability to use modern information technologies provide additional opportunities.
Svitlana Manzhula, graduated in 2007.
ONEU, Department of Economic Cybernetics and Information Technologies, PhD, senior teacher