Dean of faculty
Babii Oleh Mykolaiovych,
Candidate of Economic Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor
The history of the establishment of the faculty
The faculty was established in 1965 as the “Faculty of Planning and Economics”. In 1993, in connection with the opening of new areas of training at the faculty, due to the need to form a system of market relations in Ukraine, the faculty acquired a new name – “Economics and Production Management”. And in 2016, the faculty received its modern name: “Faculty of Economics and Business Management”.
Since 1965, the faculty has trained more than 6,000 economists, including about 1,000 for countries near and far abroad.
In terms of its scientific and educational potential, the Faculty of Economics and Business Management is one of the leading faculties in the university. 11 professors work in the departments of the faculty.
- Department of general economic theory
- Department of Economics, Law and Business Management
- Department of Enterprise Economics and Business Organization
- Department of personnel management and labor economics
- Department of examination of goods and services
- Department of philosophy, history and political science
- Department of language and psychological and pedagogical training
- Department of physical education and life safety
Specialties of the faculty
The faculty prepare specialists in the following specialties:
– Entrepreneurship, trade and stock market activity
– Economy
– Psychology
– Public management and administration
Prospects of professional development
Graduates of FEUP specialties acquire theoretical and practical knowledge, which ensures the acquisition of qualifications that fully meet the modern requirements of the market economy. A comprehensive education policy allows for effective employment of graduates in the following positions:
- directors of enterprises and their deputies
- heads of departments of enterprises
- managers of business projects and programs / Project Manager
- business analysts
- business Development Manager / Business Development Specialist
- entrepreneurs
- economists
- HR directors and personnel training specialists
- IT recruiters
- psychologists (in educational institutions, social services and youth assistance services, in employment and career development centers, personnel departments, recruiting and crewing companies, in rehabilitation centers of various profiles)
- social managers in state administration and local self-government bodies
Practical education
Departments of the faculty cooperate with state, private and international companies, including “Stikon” LLC, “Transbalkterminal” JV LLC, “Nova Line” PJSC, “Odesa Port Plant” PJSC, “Bureau Veritas Certification” LLC in the field of standardization, the National Scientific Center “Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking named after V. E. Tairov”, Scientific-research expert and forensic center under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Odesa region, the Inspectorate for the Protection of Consumer Rights in the Odesa region, the Odesa Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry, SE “Odesastandartmetrologiya”, powerful trade networks “Ashan”, “METRO”, “Fozzi Group” » and other organizations and institutions where students undergo practice and perform the practical part of final qualification papers.
We invite you to our big faculty family!