Shynkarenko Volodymyr Mykolaiovych Head of the Center Ph.D., Associate Professor
Extramural education can be really convenient for students, who do not have the opportunity to permanently stay in Ukraine, but at the same time want to get a higher education in our university.
Odesa National Economic University is a university with a ninety-year history, a recognized leader in the field of training of specialists of economic profile. The extramural faculty is one of the most powerful departments of the university, which provides training for bachelors, specialists and magisters.
Odesa National Economic University is know as a specialized economic university. We can surely say that the authority of the university is known and appreciated in a professional environment. That means that the knowledge acquired in our university at the extramural center corresponds to modern realities.
The scientific and intellectual potential of the faculty is masterfully growing every day. It can be said with confidence, as a large number of highly qualified teachers and, of course, goal-oriented, intelligent students who, after finishing graduating, become worthy, respected and most importantly sought-after personalities are real confirmation of this.
Studyng in the extramural faculty has a number of obvious advantages, in the first place, the ability to combine study and work. In addition, extramural education allows the student to independently create a schedule of classes, greatly saves time and money, and also teaches how to properly manage time.