Prof. Karpov
Volodymyr Anatolievich, Head of the Scientific
Department of ONEU
PhD in Economics, Academician of the
Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the
International Academy of Regional Sciences

Organizational structure of scientific work of ONEU
Research work of ONEU is carried out at 24 departments and coordinated by the Science Department.
Due to the efforts of many generations of scientists at the university, the largest scientific potential in the field of economic education in southern Ukraine has been created, which ensures the implementation of fundamental and applied research at a high scientific level. More than 300 scientists and pedagogists are involved in scientific work, in particular: 7 academicians, 4 honored scientists and technical engeneers, correspondent member of Academy of sciences, 34 doctors of science, professors and 210 PhDs, associate professors and technicians.
During the last year, the University’s scientific work was organized according to the European vector of economic development of Ukraine, as well as with the requirements of the Law on Higher Education. In this regard, in all directions of scientific and pedagogical work, the main priority directions for the period up to 2020 are formed and adjusted:
- Fundamental scientific research on the most important problems of the development of scientific, socio-economic, socio-political, human potential for ensuring the competitiveness of Ukraine and sustainable development of society and the state. Fundamental research on actual problems of social sciences and humanities;
- Life sciences, new technologies for prevention and treatment of the most common diseases. Problems of personality development, society, demography and socio-economic policy.
Research work in recent years is carried out according to:
- the thematic plan of the Research Laboratory approved by the Department of Scientific and Technical Development of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (conducting fundamental and applied research on the results of the competitive selection of the Ministry at the expense of the state budget);
- the thematic plan for the research work of ONEU, approved by the Academic Council of the University and formed according to the program of development of education and science of Ukraine for 2009-2017 ;
- on the basis of economic contracts on enterprises orders and institutions in the region (carrying out applied research).
The ONEU Schools of Science in Economics, Banking, Finance, Management, Accounting and Auditing are widely known in Ukraine and abroad. An effective form of fundamentalization of higher education and the product of scientific activity of scientific schools is the implementation of fundamental and applied research in the priority areas of science and technology development.
During the last five years (2011-2015), 71 research activities were carried out, including at the expense of the state budget funds – 14 (the amount of funding – 2157 thousand UAH). of customers – 57 (the amount of financing – 849 thousand UAH).
One of the main goals of scientific research is publication and reports at conferences of different levels. The university regularly publishes 2 collections of scientific work, which are registered by the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine: “Bulletin of Social and Economic Research”, “Scientific herald”, and also the English-Ukrainian edition of the university, electronic scientific journal with open access “Problems of economic development”. Over the past five years, 6,290 scientific works, including 5826 scientific articles, 170 monographs, 19 brochures, 275 textbooks and study guides, used in the educational process of higher educational institutions of Ukraine, have been published by teachers and researchers. The university’s scientists made almost 4000 reports at conferences of different levels.
Only in 2015, 1869 works were published, including: monographs – 26, textbooks and manuals – 34 and 1809 scientific articles, among them 609 articles of students.
Significant preparatory and organizational work was carried out to raise the rating of the university’s scientists, as well as their scientific publications, which raised the level of citations in Ukrainian and international science-computer databases. As a result of this work, the collection of scientific works “Bulletin of social and economic studies” is included in the international science-computer database “Index Copernicus International”, to the scientific information space “SOCIONET”, as well as the publication of scientists ONEU involved in the national project “Bibliometrics of Ukrainian Science”. In addition, it is possible to note the most active participation of chairs and individual scientists of the university in the international abstract database “Google Scholar”, as well as the creation and filling of profiles in the global register of scientists “ORCID”.
План наукових та науково-технічних заходів ОНЕУ на 2019 рік
Перелік наукових фахових видань
Перелік електронних фахових видань
Детальна інформація про Scopus
Перелік журналів, які індексуються в Scopus
Перелік видань, які індексуються у Web of Science
Arts and Humanities Citation Index Source Publication
Science Citation Index Expanded Source Publication
Social Science Citation Index Source Publication
Перелік українських видань, які індексуються в Index Copernicus
Рейтинг ОНЕУ та кафедр в проекті “Бібліометрика української науки”
Рейтинг науковців ОНЕУ в Google Scholar
Перелік комунальних підприємств м. Одеси
Перспективний план діяльності кафедр з науково-дослідної роботи на 2011-2015 рр.
Розпорядження проректора ОНЕУ з наукової роботи Ковальова А.І. щодо госпдоговірних тем на 2012 рік
Документація по оформленню госпдоговорної тематики
Договір на виконання науково-дослідних робіт
Бюлетень ВАК України, №1, 2003
План роботи вченої ради на 1 півріччя 2017-2018 н.р.
Рішення вченої ради
Положення про видання монографій