Head of the Department, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
The Department of General Economic Theory and Economic Policy was established in 1921, at the same time as the university itself. At that time, the university was called the Odesa Institute of National Economy, and the department was called the “Department of Political Economy”. Since then, the department has consistently been one of the leading ones in the university, providing a reliable theoretical basis for economic research.
The scientific interests of the staff of the department cover the problems of modernization of the economy, the study of global transformation processes in the world, prospects and ways of development of the Ukrainian economy. The scientific hypotheses proposed by the authors take into account the current features and trends in the development of the world economy associated with the large-scale use of digital technologies and the formation of a new model of economic growth.
Specialties and levels of education
The Department of General Economic Theory and Economic Policy provides training in the following specialties:
051 “Economics” (bachelors in the educational program “Managerial Economics and Competition Policy”, masters in the educational program “Economics”, PhD in the educational program “Economics”).
281 “Public Management and Administration” (bachelors in the educational program “Public Management and Administration”).
Professional development prospects for our graduates
Graduates of the department have in-depth knowledge of the patterns in accordance with which the economy develops, have experience in using analysis tools that are used in modern social and economic theories. They possess scientific economic thinking, the skills of using a systematic approach to making managerial decisions. Therefore, they are able to work effectively in various sectors of the economy: in managerial positions at various levels in corporations, firms, banks, stock exchanges, in self-government bodies, government agencies, as well as in higher education institutions of all levels of accreditation.

Zhdanova Liudmyla
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Vydobora Volodymyr
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Makukha Serhii
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Nesenenko Pavlo
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Danylina Svitlana
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Lunova Olha
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor

Rosetska Yuliia
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Sharah Olena
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Sukhova Tetiana
Senior Lecturer

Shatnenko Kateryna
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Viazmikina Iryna

Patlatoy Oleksandr
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
Specialty 051 “Economics”
Bachelor’s degree educational program “Managerial Economics and Competition Policy”
Modern rapid and large-scale changes in the economic and social environment create corresponding challenges for the labour market, which requires skilled professionals who possess modern economic thinking, understand how the economy works, how economic processes are organized at the micro and macro levels, are able to perform analytical and predictive functions. There is a need for specialists who have acquired theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary for solving current tasks related to managing economic processes and can propose and justify recommendations for economic policy.
The Bachelor’s program “Managerial Economics and Competition Policy” is aimed at preparing professionals for work in the business environment. The acquired knowledge provides students with opportunities for a wide range of future professions, which is particularly important in the context of rapid technological progress and changing market needs. Graduates can work in various positions in government and business.
List of disciplines – http://oneu.edu.ua/svitova-ekonomika-ta-modeli-funktsionuvannya-gospodarskih-sistem/
Master’s degree educational program in Economics
The educational program “Economics” is a master’s degree program that provides students with knowledge and skills for working in the global economic environment. The program allows students to expand their knowledge of economic theories, analyze global trends, understand the interaction between markets and different economic systems, and learn how to apply various models of international economic relations. Graduates of this program can hold various positions, including positions in international companies, government agencies, international organizations, research centers, and other fields.
Educational and scientific program for PhD in Economics
The rapid development of modern economic processes requires professionals who are capable of understanding these processes at a fundamental level, identifying patterns, and solving complex scientific and professional tasks. This program is aimed at preparing such specialists. It provides the opportunity to gain deep fundamental knowledge in the field of economic processes, to master the methods of scientific research, develop critical thinking skills, and cultivate the ability to engage in independent economic, scientific research and innovation activities.
List of disciplines – http://oneu.edu.ua/spetsialnist-051-ekonomika/
Specialty 281 “Public Management and Administration”
Bachelor’s degree educational program “Public Management and Administration”
The program is aimed at solving applied tasks in the field of public management and administration, including in the field of local self-government; preparing a fundamentally new type of managers who correspond to modern principles of public management in Ukraine. The program provides familiarity with the practice of work in state authorities, local self-government bodies, other bodies, institutions, which fall under the action of the laws of Ukraine “On Civil Service” and “On Service in Local Self-Government Bodies”
List of disciplines – http://oneu.edu.ua/publichne-upravlinnya-ta-administruvannya-bakalavr/#1592773071834-243e8b32-961b
Congratulations to Associate Professor of the Department of General Economic Theory and Economic Policy, Pavlo Nesenenko, who received with honors a master’s degree in public administration and administration at the Odesa National University of Technology on February 15, 2023.
The Rector of Odesa National Economic University recognized the team of the Department of General Economic Theory and Economic Policy for successful international activities during the 2021-2022 academic year and awarded them with a commendation for taking third place.
Based on the results of scientific research in the 2021-2022 academic year, the Department’s team was awarded a commendation by the Rector of Odesa National Economic University.
The lecturers of the department actively develop international academic mobility and cooperation between universities. From May 16 to May 20, Associate Professor of the Department of General Economic Theory and Economic Policy, Svitlana Danylina, participated in the ERASMUS+ PROGRAMME STAFF MOBILITY FOR TEACHING events held at the University of Applied Sciences in Nysa, Poland, in order to exchange experience, improve the level of teaching, and conduct scientific research.
As part of the program, Svitlana Danylina delivered lectures in English to students and took part in the 12th International Staff Training Week on the topic of “Crisis Management – Personal, Institutional and Global Aspects”. More than forty representatives of academic and administrative staff took part in this event, including 24 universities from 16 countries around the world. A series of training and discussion sessions were held, which were accompanied by interesting discussions and gave participants the opportunity to exchange experiences and views on crisis management.
The experience gained during the visit to the University of Applied Sciences in Nysa will contribute to the development and expansion of Odesa National Economic University’s partnerships with foreign higher education institutions, exchange of experience between academic and administrative staff, improvement of the level of teaching and scientific research.
During his internship at the Stefan Batory State University in Skierniewice, Poland, on November 4, 2021, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of General Economic Theory and Economic Policy Pavlo Nesenenko delivered a lecture in Polish on the topic “Analysis of the Genesis of the Main Stages of Economic Thought”. During the lecture, key issues related to the formation and development of economic and managerial thinking from ancient times to the present day were thoroughly discussed.
The educational programs of the Department of General Economic Theory and Economic Policy provide the opportunity to create an individual educational trajectory for students, which account for 25% of the total study time. The formation of an individual educational trajectory includes the development and implementation of an individual study plan, providing conditions for students’ free choice of elective courses, and ensuring individual academic mobility of students. Students also have the opportunity to use distance learning technologies.
Special emphasis is placed on practical training of students, which corresponds to modern trends in the development of the professional sphere of economists and civil servants, and fosters the development of needed competencies in higher education students.
Teaching, instruction and scientific research within the department’s educational programs are associated with the internationalization of educational activities, which include the following main directions:
- international student and academic mobility, realized through various forms;
- collaboration with foreign educational institutions through the organization of international internships and conferences.
- Participation in international projects, programs (including “Erasmus+”), scientific conferences, seminars, trainings and webinars. Students have free access to Scopus and Web of Science databases.
The department’s teachers and students regularly undergo internships and exchange experience to improve the level of teaching and research. For instance, in 2022, P. Nesenenko completed an internship at the Stefan Batory State University (Skierniewice, Poland), while S. Danylina participated in the Erasmus+ Teaching Mobility: for Academic Staff program at the University of Applied Sciences in Nysa, Poland.
Svitlana Danylina (2000-2005) was the group’s student council representative and a member of the student trade union, actively participating in the student self-government at Odesa National Economic University. Since 2005, she has been working as a lecturer at the Department of General Economic Theory at Odesa National Economic University. Her research interests include capital accumulation, concentration and centralization of production and capital, financial capital, and financial globalization. In 2012, she defended her PhD thesis on “Forms of Capital Accumulation in a Transitional Economy,” and since 2013, she has been an associate professor at the department and the scientific secretary of the specialized academic council for defending dissertations.
Adyrov Dmytro (2000-2005) worked as a Senior State Tax Inspector in the Control and Audit Department of the Personal Income Tax unit of the State Tax Inspection in the Prymorsky district of Odesa. Since 2011, he has been working as a Chief Specialist in the Department of State Budget Execution, Industry and Agricultural Policy at the Territorial Office of the Accounting Chamber for the Odesa, Mykolaiv, and Kherson regions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.