
There are 22 educational departments in Odessa National Economic University, that teach students and engage in scientific activities.

Lyudmila Viktorovna
Head of the Department
Doctor of Economics, Professor

Ähnliches Foto8, Preobarazhenskaya str., office 316
+38 (048) 723-74-73

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The Department of Banking begins its history at the time of the founding of Odessa National Economic University (1931).

Over the past decade, the department has been actively developing and improving, increasing its human potential. Employees of the department fastened 3 doctoral dissertations and more than twenty candidate dissertations, what allows to conclude, that the scientific and professional skills of the department are high.

Throughout its history, the Department has been an advanced research and training center for banking in the South of Ukraine.

There is a postgraduate and doctoral studies at the department.

The department explores various areas of scientific activity. The directions of research coincide with current problems in the banking area.

Natalia Alekseevna
Head of the Department
Doctor of Economics, Professor

Ähnliches Foto91, Uspenska str., office 401
+38 (048) 722-41-98
+38 (048) 725-13-80

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The Department of Accounting and Taxing is one of the first departments, that were founded in Odessa National Economic University.

Since its foundation, the Department has continuously developed all forms of academic education and has maintained a high level of research in areas of accounting, taxing, control and auditing.

The department studies highly qualified specialists in accounting, auditing, analysis, financial management, appraisal, information accounting and analysis systems, taxating, etc.

For decades, the department has been cooperating with internationally recognized centers of accounting science: Prague University of Economics (Prague, Czech Republic), Krakow University of Economics (Krakow, Poland), Poznan State University of Economics (Poznan, Poland), University of Magdeburg behalf of Otto Von Gurike (Magdeburg, Germany), University of Applied Sciences (Mittweida, Germany), etc.

Natalya Valentinovna
Head of the Department
Ph.D., Associate Professor

Ähnliches Foto8, Preobarazhenskaya str., office 308
+38 (048) 723-32-56

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The Department of Economics, Law and Business Managment was founded on August 30, 2017 by combining the Department of Economics and Business Planning and the Department of Law.

The Department of Economics, Law and Business Administration graduates students in the specialty 076 «Entrepreneurship, Trade and Stock Exchanges».

Magisters study under the magister’s program of the professional direction “Economics, planning and business management”.

The department opened a postgraduate and doctoral specialty 076 “Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities.”

The teaching staff of the department is actively involved in scientific work in the direction of research areas and sectors of the economy, features of legal regulation and business management.

The scientific school “Economic Levers and Incentives for the Development of Entrepreneurship in the Region” was founded at the Department.

Alexander Grigorevich
Head of the Department
Doctor of Economics, Professor

Ähnliches Foto8, Preobarazhenskaya str., office 201
+38 (048) 723-84-03

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The Department of Economics was founded on September 1, 1966.

The department carries out significant work to improve the quality of student learning, to discuss the results of current and final student control. In order to increase the level of professional training of specialists, the department introduces the latest training technologies, such as a set of active and training methods: business games, role-playing, analysis of business situations, problem lectures, problem-oriented discussions, brainstorming, presentations, etc.

The department also constantly works to improve the quality of the faculty. Over the past years, the department has been actively working with foreign students, organizes research conferences, seminars, symposia, actively attracts students to publications in scientific collections. Graduate students are trained at the department.

The department also works with the University of Applied Sciences Mittweida (Germany) in the direction of student exchanges on a parity basis with the mutual recognition of learning outcomes and examination grades and the Double Degree Program.

Nina Anatolyevna
Head of Department
Ph.D., associate professor

91, Uspenska str., office 404
+38 (048) 725-13-60

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In modern conditions, accounting and auditing are management tools to increase the efficiency of management. Knowledge of accounting, analysis and taxation allows you to plan, analyze, monitor the results of the company.

The scientific activity of the department is carried out in the following areas: the implementation of a comprehensive research topic, the implementation of self-supporting topics, the participation of teachers in scientific conferences, the preparation of monographs, textbooks and teaching aids, the preparation of master’s theses by graduate students and applicants, the research work of students.

The department is actively conducting career guidance work. The Department of Economic Analysis has good traditions of organizational and methodological, scientific and educational work and good prospects for further development.

Evgeniy Solomonovich
Head of the Department
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor

18, Gogol str., office 207
+38 (048) 723-20-49

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The history of the modern department of “Economic Cybernetics and Information Technologies” began in September 1962.

Employees of the department (teachers, graduate students and laboratory assistants) provide training for bachelors and masters in the specialty “Economics”.

The teachers of the department are engaged in the development of information systems projects; consultations in the field of information; analysis and modeling of natural, technical and economic processes; operational issues of various information systems; development of applied software for predictive models of the development of economic processes.

The faculty of the department makes research on the complex topics of the department:

  • 2005-2010 – The theme of “Computer modeling of processes in society, the economy and the environment”;
  • 2011-2015 – The theme of  “Agent-dynamic modeling of economic processes”;
  • Since 2016, the staff of the department makes research on the complex topic “Angular-dynamic modeling of the development of the labor market and the agricultural market of Ukraine.”

Tatyana Anatolievna
Head of the Department
Ph.D., Associate Professor

9, Oleksandra Sturdzy str., 7 laboratory building
+38 (048) 785-11-89

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The department of expertise of goods and services provides training for students on the bachelor’s degree and on the master’s degree.

The department cooperates with the international firm “Bureau Veritas Certification” in the area of standardization, certification and quality management, with the national scientific center “Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking – Tairov “, with Research and Forensic Center at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Odessa region, with the Inspectorate for the Protection of Consumer Rights in the Odessa Region, with the Odessa Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry, with “Odesarstandartmetrologiya” “METRO”, “Fozzy Group” and other organizations and institutions. where our students can do practical work and carry out the practical parts – final qualifying works.

The department has a powerful material and technical base – 6 laboratories, where students can find practical exercises and make research:

  • Laboratory of chemistry and chemical methods of studying the quality of raw materials and materials;
  • Laboratory of microbiological methods for examining the quality of goods;
  • Laboratory of Physics and Physico-Chemical Methods for Researching the Quality of Products;
  • Laboratory of merchandising and quality management of food products;
  • Laboratory of merchandising and quality management of non-food products.

Nikolay Afanasyevich
Head of the Department
Doctor of Economics, Professor

8, Preobarazhenskaya str., office 214
+38 (048) 723-82-79

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Today, the department of General Economic Theory under the guidance of Doctor of Economics Professor M I. Zveryakova employs more than 30 teachers, big part of them are doctors and candidates of economic sciences.

At the department for many years carried out the studying of bachelors and masters. Graduates have an in-depth level of knowledge the laws that govern the economy, own modern theories of the functioning of the economy, scientific economic thinking, skills of a systematic approach to the development of management decisions. Therefore, they are able to work effectively in various sectors of the economy: on managerial positions at various levels in corporations, firms, banks, stock exchanges, public institutions and educational institutions of all levels of accreditation.

Olga Vladislavovna
Head of the Department
Ph.D., Associate Professor

26, Pushkinskaya str., office 102
+38 (048) 722-41-17

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The foundation of the department of foreign languages is associated with the beginning of the functioning of the Odessa National Economic University.

One of the main activities of the department, as well as the a whole university, is the embodiment of the Bologna initiatives and the European education system. The aim of the department is to improve the quality of foreign language in a professional direction and its compliance with international European standards.

The department teachs English, German and French languages at all faculties of all departments of the university and preparatory courses. Teaching a business foreign language attracts special attention in the process of preparing highly qualified specialists in the context of European integration and globalization.

The department makes different competitions, conferences with reports on contemporary economic problems in a foreign language for students. The department conducts an entrance exam for postgraduate studies of English language and a candidate’s exam for graduate students and applicants.

Irina Lvovna
Head of the Department
Doctor of Economics, Professor

Ähnliches Foto2, Pryvokzalna sq., office 309
+38 (048) 722-22-11

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The Department of Marketing has a long history, that dates back to 04/25/1975.

The main directions of the department are the development of the theory and practice of marketing communications, marketing research, Internet marketing and logistics.

The staff of the department consists of 3 doctors of economics, 8 candidates of economics, 6 teachers. The department shares good traditions of Odessa National Economic University.

The department trains bachelors (4 years of study), magisters (5.5 years of study) on the specialty “Marketing”. The actuality of marketing specialization is not only about the high demand in the market for qualified personnel, but also about the need to take into account the often changing needs of the clients of a modern enterprise to ensure its effectiveness.

In addition to educational activities, marketing students are involved in the participation and organization of interesting cathedral events. It has become traditional to hold the Marketing Day on October, 25 of each year, as well as the International Advertising Competition Festival.

Valery Nikolaevich
Head of the Department
Ph.D., associate professor

26, Pushkinskaya str., office 306
+38 (048) 722-63-70

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The course of mathematics is constantly taught in our university since its creation (1921). With the restoration of the ONEU in 1944, higher mathematics became again one of the basic disciplines that future economists are studying. With the restoration of Odessa National Economic University in 1944, mathematics again became one of the basic disciplines in our university.

The department makes active scientific and methodological work, modern educational multimedia technologies are being introduced into the educational process, computer technology is widely used, new courses are being developed aimed at applying mathematical methods in the study of economic problems. Many teachers take part in International and All-Ukrainian conferences, make publications in scientific journals, ect.

Inna Alekseevna
Head of the Department
Doctor of Economics, Professor

Ähnliches Foto18, Gogol str., office 101
+38 (048) 723-02-82

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The department “Management of Organizations and Foreign Economic Activitiy” was created in 1975.

We are training proactive and quickly adaptable in the business environment managers with fundamental knowledge and practical skills to manage the organization.

Our values:

  • students, we help to unleash their potential and get a demanded specialty in the future;
  • an interactive approach to learning through training, business games, computer simulation;
  • communication with the business community through communication with business leaders.

Our goal is to train qualified labor market leaders.

Yuri Georgievich
Head of the Department
Doctor of Economics, Professor
Academician of Ukraine and the International Academy of Regional Sciences

Ähnliches Foto2, Pryvokzalna sq., office 206
+38 (048) 732-56-62

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The Department of International Economic Relations and the specialty “International Economics” were created among the first in Ukraine, in September 1991.

The creation of the newest department  and the specialty in Odessa National Economic University was due to the objective needs of our country as an independent subject of international economic relations.

The activity of the department from the very beginning was focused on the training of personnel by international standards, capable of solving the problems of development of foreign economic relations of Ukraine both at the micro and macro levels at the modern level.

Under the guidance of Professor Kozak Yuri Georgievich for the first time in the independent Ukraine was created a national system of scientific and methodological support for the training of bachelor’s and magister’s degrees in international economics.

Ruslana Vilivna
Ph.D., Associate Professor, Head of the Department

25, Pushkinskaya str., office 203
+38 (048) 725-21-24

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The Department…

Anatoly Zakharovich
Head of the Department, Ph.D., Professor

Ähnliches Foto18, Gogol str., office 107
+38 (048) 723-03-89

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The Department of Statistics (one of the oldest teaching teams of Odessa National Economic University) was created before the Second World War.

The peak of the development of the department was in the late 60s – early 70s of the last century, when the department began training specialists in the specialty “Statistics” and opened a graduate school to prepare the scientific and pedagogical highly qualificationed personnel.

During its existence, the department has trained more than a thousand specialists, including more than 100 for foreign countries. The department has a powerful scientific and pedagogical potential and a scientific and methodological basis for the training of highly qualified specialists.

There are available textbooks, teaching aids and other educational literature for all disciplines, that are taught by the department.

The department teaches bachelors and magisters for work in stock companies, joint ventures, public institutions and business structures.

Most of the graduates-statisticians have a permanent job in their specialty before finishing of studing at the university.

Irina Vladimirovna
Head of the Department, Ph.D., associate professor

Ähnliches Foto25, Pushkinskaya str., office 205
+38 (048) 722-01-22

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The Department was created in 2003 because of the opening in Ukraine a new area of training – “Tourism” and the getting by Odessa State Economic University a license from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine to teach specialists in this area.

The department is constantly improving teaching and research works, published manuals, that have the appropriate stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

The center of the Association of employees of educational institutions of Ukraine of tourism and hotel directions was created at the department, one of the founders of which is our university. The employees of the department collaborate with the International Association of Scientific Experts on Tourism.

The research work of the department is aimed on studying the sphere of tourism and hotel and restaurant business.

Valery Grigorevich
Head of the Department
Ph.D., professor

Ähnliches Foto2, Pryvokzalna sq., office 205
+38 (048) 785-70-69

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In the twenty-first century, the success of any business organization increasingly depends on its employees. It is not enough to understand the technical, economic and financial aspects of the company’s activities, we still need to understand the psychology of the people, to know the mechanisms. that determine the behavior of people, encourage them to perform certain actions.

The department has a post-graduate course, full-time and distance learning, that is regularly updated with talented graduates of the faculty. A doctorate is active since 2015.

Our students constantly take part in the All-Ukrainian and international student competitions, contests, scientific conferences, take part in the governing in the self-government of the university, play sports and amateur performances.

Over the past 5 years, 3 doctoral and 6 candidate dissertations have been defended at the department by our teachers.

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