Prof. Kovalev Anatoly Ivanovich
Rector of ONEU Doctor of economics
Odesa National Economic University – one of the leading universities in Ukraine, founded in 1921 with the aim of training highly qualified specialists in economics, conducting research overall spectrum of economic problems.
The history of the Odesa National Economic University is a glorious way of establishing, the heroic years of war and evacuation, which did not stop the preparation of economic professionals, and the rise from ruins in the postwar years, and the unceasing scientific work for many prominent scholars. The distinguished scientists of the Odesa National Economic University developed the basic principles of economic policy, created scientific schools, transformed the university into a major scientific and economic center of the South of Ukraine.
At the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries the significant contribution to the development of economic thought in social methodology of political economy was made by academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, prof. S.I. Solntsev.
The outstanding scientific contributions of statistician prof. A.S. Borinevich are scientific developments in industrial and agricultural statistics, demography and local economy.
The achievements of the academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences G.I.Tanfiliev were profound in the field of economic geography. He proposed economic-geographical zoning which contributed to improving the efficiency of the national economy management and the development of the Ukraine economy.

The main direction of the contemporary activity of the Odesa National Economic University is to provide highly effective scientific activity in fundamental and applied research in the economics.
In the conditions of economic reform, the University faces new responsibilities related to the need to improve the system of training and retraining of specialists, strengthening the scientific component in the educational process. Therefore, special attention is paid to the development of scientific schools. The high scientific status of ONEU in Ukraine and abroad is multiplied and approved with the help of our doctors of sciences, professors A.I. Kovalev, M.I. Zveryakov, V.G. Baranov, G.M. Kozlov, V.K. Kublikov, L.V. Kuznetsova, I.O. Kuznetsova, V.M. Maximov, E..S. Yakub, O.G. Yankoviy.
The scientific staff of the university is about 500 people of the faculty, 55% of them have a scientific degree, including 36 professors, doctors of science. The university employs 9 academicians, 4 honored workers of education, scientists and engineers. This allows to carry out successfully fundamental and applied scientific research on the priority directions of science and technology development.
Integration of the Odesa State Economic University into the world educational space is confirmed by the membership in the European Association of Universities. The high international rating of the university team allows us cooperate with 49 educational and scientific institutions of the CIS, Germany, Mexico, Israel, Austria, Holland, Italy, Romania, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Poland, France, etc.
Teachers and students take part in various international programs and projects such as EU DAAD, USAID, SIFE, TEMPUS-TACIS, AISEC and others. On September 14, 2010 rector of the University M.I. Zveriakov signed the Grand Charter of Universities in one of the oldest Bologna University in Europe. This provides recognition of our university in Europe. The European Union Ambassador in Ukraine, Jose Pinto Teixeira, opened the Information Center of the European Union at our University. The University is included in the register of European universities operating in the context of the Bologna system on the principles of openness and mobility. The International Department of the University is successfully working on the programs of double bachelor diplomas and student exchange. Concluded agreements with the universities of Strasbourg (France) and Mittwayde (Germany).
Altogether 10,000 students, postgraduates, doctoral students and applicants study at the university and its departments including citizens from Vietnam, Ecuador, Israel, China, Cyprus, Congo, Moldova, Mongolia, Turkmenistan, etc. Over the years University has trained almost 95 thousand professionals working in fifty countries of the world.